fashion show/confession

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Today dec.20 has finally come which means the show is beginning all the models were rehearsal eunmi and jimin was already there eunmi was walking around and had to quickly help the models changed into their first dress and helping the CEO of Paris to remember his speech before the show starts.

Eunmis dress for work

Eunmis dress for work

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And her jewelry just for the show

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And her jewelry just for the show.

And her jewelry just for the show

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Everyone and everything was ready all the wealthy French/Koreas were there to watch the show eunmi and jimin was sitting down watching the opening sense is when the CEO does his speech about saying thanks for everyone who came for the show etc etc...

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Everyone and everything was ready all the wealthy French/Koreas were there to watch the show eunmi and jimin was sitting down watching the opening sense is when the CEO does his speech about saying thanks for everyone who came for the show etc etc then the real show begins a lot of the women's were modelling jennie was also there too the song was super loud after that jimin went and make his speech about everything etc etc after his speech the show begin again there was a lot of clapping and music then after there was a last speech jimin and eunmi didnt know there was gotta be a last speech it was one of the women at Korea who owns her own company and that was jennies mother jimin was shock bit eunmi doesn't know who she is.
M: hello I am kim junmin I am the CEO of the model company in Korea I am also kim jennie mother.
Eunmi was now shock.
M: I come here to watch my daughter here at this stage in Paris I come here to congratulated how this turn out and also I made a choice to engage her with the one and only CEO park jimin.
Eunmis eyes widened jimin knew that jennie plan this everyone was cheering and clapping for them jennie was behind stage and smirk.

24hrs before the show starts jennies mom came to visit from Korea to Paris she went into where all the women was getting dress she went to jennie.
J: mom your here.
M: to watch you of course.
Eunmi was also in the room helping the other models jennie saw her and smirk.
J: mom you know I love jimin.
M: I know that but you both had broken up 4yrs ago.
J: no mom we got back together and he broke up with me again for a couple of days because of his assistant.
M: who?
J: that women over there.
She look where jennie was staring she saw eunmi.
J. Jimins in love with her mom.
Jennies mom was also not liking the people that takes her daughters boyfriends her mom look back at her.
M: dont worry I have a plan.
They both smirk.

Jimin look at eunmi who was looking at him she didn't say anything and walk away from the table jimin went after her jennies mom saw and smirk. eunmi got outside she try to ran but jimin grab her wrist she snatched away from his grip.
Jm: shes lying eunmi.
E: congrats sir.
Jm: its jennies plan.
E: to get rid of me!
Jimin look at her. And this is when Eunmi realize that she was in love with jimin that's why she acted like this.
E: yeah. Jennie wanted me to get out of your sight.
Jimin see her eyes getting glassy.
E: even if its a dumb plan or not I dont care...I'm leaving to Korea first and...
Jimin shook his head.
E: and I'm going to quit.
As eunmi was about to walk away jimin shouted.
Jm: i like you eunmi!
She stop dead in her tracks.
Jm: if you leave me who's going to be my assistant?
Eunmi didn't turn around she let her tears fell and then she say.
E: go hired a new one.
She walk away jimin wanted to stop her but his body didnt move eunmi was gone, he got so mad and went back to the building the show over he went behind the stage and was finding jennie. Eunmi took a cab to get home she got in the house and started packing her things she zip up her suitcase and zib her bag and wrote a letter for jimin and grab her passport and left the house and took the cab to the airport. Jimin found jennie and her mom he went up to jennie and slap her she was shock and look at him her mom was shock.
Jm: this is another dumb plan of yours to get rid of eunmi?!
J: because I dont like her! When shes around you I get mad are you in love with her? this plan was the only way to get rid of her for good.
Jimin got mad and say.
Jm: I am in love with her because of you I lost her. Never show your face to me again.
Her eyes widened and jimin left out of sight for good she started crying.

While in paris-PJMWhere stories live. Discover now