at jimins house

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Jimin was driving back to his place which was a hour drive from the company he looked at eunmi who fell asleep cause of the dry tears in her eyes he held her hand and kiss it. Later he got to his place he slowly started waking up eunmi.
Jm: babe we're here.
She slowly got up but couldn't rub her eyes because of her eye makeup, they both got out of the car this was the first time eunmi was at jimins own house they both walked together he open the door his maids welcome him.
Jm: oh you guys are still up? Please take a break my girlfriend is going to spend the night here please give her some extra clothes.
They bow and left. Eunmi looked at jimin.
E: you have your own maids? I thought your parents only have maids.
Jm: they do when I moved here my dad hired some maids to watch over me. They still treat me like a kid.
Eunmi smile she saw one of the maids hand her extra clothing.
E: thank you.
She bowed before she could change she was finishing some of jimins work at his room he went and change then he came out.
Jm: you should go change too.
E: sure.
She had already finish the work she went to the bathroom and changed then later she came out and she sees that jimin was already in his bed.
E: um well I'm going to sleep at the guest room.
As she was about to leave jimin say.
Jm: why not sleep with your boyfriend?
Eunmi turn back to him.
E: um but your maids...
Jimin sigh and got off the bed and grab her hand and pull her to his bed she blushed he pull her close to him she hugged back.
Eunmi pov: as long as I'm with him nothing can happen to me.
She slowly close her eyes and fell asleep.

Next morning eunmi got up she just stood up with her messy hair and remember that she slept with jimin she got off from the bed and head towards the bathroom THUMP! She fell on the floor.
E: owwww~~~
Eunmi had bump her head on the bathroom door that was close seems like she was half awake and asleep she rub her head where she had bump it then the bathroom door open.
Jm: babe what you doing down there?
jimin just got oit of the shower. Eunmi got mad and stood up hitting jimin.
Jm: ow ow ow!
E: why you little- why didnt you tell me your waking up first?! I hit my head because of you!
This time eunmi was wide awake.
Jm: aya babe I'm sorry.
E: sorry won't solve it! I thought you were still sleeping.
Jm: aya babe stop stop that hurts.
E: no!
He held her two hands and made her walk backwards.
E: ahh!
They fell together he was on top of her holding her hands above her head, but she was still mad she look away instead of looking at him in the eyes.
Jm: babe look at me.
He say with his soft voice she was turning to not fall for it.
E: no.
Jm: come on I'm sorry look at me please.
She looked the other way.
E: no.
She then heard him sigh.
Jm: do I have to punished you?
E: no!
His eyes widened when he saw that eunmi look at him but was crying right when he say that.
E: please don't punish me~~~*sob*
He knows that eunmi hates it if people goes rough on her in bed he sigh and let go of her hands.
Jm: I'm sorry...I'm sorry that I say that. I didnt mean it...I'll make it up to you.
He wipe her tears away and rub where she had bump her head and saw that she was smiling again, he kissed her passionately she kiss back eunmi wrap her hands around him to make the kiss deeper and jimin had his hands on her wist he broke the kiss.
Jm: let's not got to work today.
He started to kiss her neck.
E: we have too...we'll do it later you promise to make it up to me right?
Jimin lift his head up.
Jm: right.
Jimin got up and Eunmi went to the bathroom then they got dress. She was doing his tie.
Jm: you know I love you, I would never do such things to you.
Eunmi smile.
E: I know I love you too my little mochi.
He peck her lips and they went to work together.

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