missing her

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Days have pass since eunmi quit and since jimin came back to Korea his parents felt bad for him since eunmi left her job and everything jimin was going to work he didnt want another assistant the employees can tell he was stress and depress from work he was also got sick one time but still came he always looked at eunmis desk. Meanwhile at home eunmi got a call from micha.
E: I told you not to contact me.
M: hey want to have lunch with me?
E: sure.
M: meet me at the cafe.
Eunmi went and get ready to meet micha at the cafe she told her where.

Her dress

Her dress

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And her jewels on a daily basis

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And her jewels on a daily basis

And her jewels on a daily basis

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After she finished she told dongsoo she was going to meet with a friend she then took a cab and left 10mins later she made it to the cafe and micha waving at her she went and sat down across from her

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After she finished she told dongsoo she was going to meet with a friend she then took a cab and left 10mins later she made it to the cafe and micha waving at her she went and sat down across from her.
E: I told you not to contact me micha.
M: I'm sorry but I couldn't help it..but eunmi.
E: hm?
M: you love sir jimin right?
Eunmi sigh and nodded.
E: I didn't realized since the say he confess to me back at Paris.
M: hes been so stress with work he even came in when he was sick.
E: Micha can you give this to him?
She hand him a note micha nodded they both spent time together and then micha went back to the company eunmi took a cab back home she got home sat on her bed and cry.
Eunmi pov: I dont want to see him sick or stress...
Eunmi heavy cry and then she heard dongsoo came home she wipe her tears away.

Meanwhile micha got back to the company she went straight to jimins office sir can I come in?
Jm: sure...
He was on his computer working micha walk up to him and hand him the note he look at her confuse.
Jm: what's this?
M: *sigh*  I met up with miss lee and she wanted me to give you this.
She bow and left. Jimin grab it and open the note it was two Polaroid the picture on the right was eunmi and him in the amusement park and the left was a picture of them at the beach that she had took his eyes got teary he open the note.
"Its me I know you could be stress since the day I quit and I feel so bad just don't miss me to much get yourself a new assistant because you know I won't returned I know I didnt response to your confession but thank you for letting me be your assistant I felt very greatful for it. My answer for your confession is I like you too since we went to the amusement park together but I'll say maybe longer then that haha...dont come looking for me be happy with your life. Love Lee eunmi"
Jimin cry he sobbed and was breathing so hard he wipe his eyes he started to go to her profile to find her address he found it he grab his suit shirt and left the company to his car and drove to her neighborhood.

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