Chapter Six

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For OphiliaTheAsianPanda . Thanks so much for reading!

Bucky and Steve had come to their conclusion of what they wanted to do to help Wanda out. They'd done a lot of thinking and talking and arranging, but they finally got what they wanted ready to go.

"Where are we going and why am I blindfolded?" Wanda asked.

"It's a surprise," Bucky said.

"Isn't that what people in horror movies say before they axe murder the blindfolded person?"

"Wanda," Steve said sternly.

"Whatever. How long until we get there?"

"About ten minutes."


Ten minutes later, they were helping Wanda out of the car, leading her inside of a building. They walked into a room and sat her down on a chair.

"Wanda, hold out your arms," Bucky instructed.

Wanda did as she was told, though she was confused. She felt someone place something warm and furry into her arms. It licked her neck.

Wanda froze. It was a dog. Wanda liked dogs- from a distance. Wanda had once been attacked by a street dog for her food. She still had the scars, both physically and mentally.

However, this dog seemed to pick up on her anxiety and settled down into her lap, gently licking her hand. She giggled. It tickled.

She stroked him slowly, gingerly. But the dog didn't bite or anything. She smiled. She felt the blindfold being slipped off, allowing her to see the little brown and white dog.

"This is Ranger. He's three," Steve said. "He's also blind. He's very sweet though."

Wanda smiled as she continued to pet him. "He's so cute!"

"Do you wanna keep him?" Bucky asked.

Wanda looked shocked. "Really?!" She squealed.

"Yes, really," Steve said.

Wanda snuggled the dog. "Yay," She whispered.

They drove home. Ranger was in Wanda's arms the whole time. She kept petting him and excitedly speaking in Sokovian.

When they got back home, she carried him inside. She plopped down on the couch. Ranger licked her face, making her laugh.

Steve and Bucky looked at each other. This was a good idea.


The next night, Steve tapped Wanda's shoulder.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Bucky and I are going to go on a date. We'll be back in a couple hours. Will you be ok?"

Wanda nodded. "Yeah, I think."

"Alright. Don't do anything crazy."

"Of course I won't."

Bucky and Steve left, headed off to their date. Half an hour later, Ranger started barking, letting her know that he need to go out.

She sighed but got up, grabbing his leash. He hooked it to his collar, walking outside. She was greeted by being tackled to the ground by Morgan Stark. "HI WANNA!" She yelled.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Peter ran over, apologizing. He pulled his little sister off of her.

"Oh, it's fine. It's fine." She looked over at Ranger, who seemed startled by the commotion. "It's alright, boy. Go potty."

"Doggy!" Morgan giggled, pointing excitedly.

"Yes, doggy," Peter said.

Ranger did his business before sniffing the air and trotting back over to Wanda. "Good boy!" She praised.

"He is an adorable little doggo," Peter said.

Wanda laughed. "Isn't he?"

Wanda and Peter looked eyes for a second.

'Oh my god, she's so beautiful!' Peter thought. 'I wonder what she'd do if I asked her out."

Wanda could hear his thoughts loud and clear. She blushed, smiling at the ground.

Peter paled. "Oh, sh**, did I say that out loud?!"

Morgan gasped. "Peeta Benjamin Stawk, don't use mommy's word!"

Wanda burst into laughter.

"Seriously, though, did I say that out loud?"

"No," Wanda assured him. "You didn't. You were just thinking really loudly." Her eyes widened and she almost used 'Mommy's word' herself. She avoided telling people that she was a mutant. They tended to think that she was some sort of freak. "Uh, I mean-"

"Are you a mind reader?!"

"Yeah," Wanda admitted.

"How cool is that?!" Peter exclaimed. "And don't be worried, I'm mutant, too. So's Bruce, Thor, and Vision."

"Oh, cool," Wanda said. She hadn't known that. No wonder Steve and Bucky had been ready to adopt two superpowered teenagers.

"So, Umm, since it's out in the open, will you go out with me tomorrow night? I know we just met and all, but-"

"I have to ask Bucky and Steve, but if they say it ok, I will go."

"Yes! Yes, yes, ye-If they say IT'S ok' Wanda. Not 'it ok'."

"Oops. But don't blame me! English is hard! And did you stop celebrating to correct my grammar?"

Peter laughed. "Yes, I did. Maybe you can teach me some Sokovian and I'll help you with English."



Wanda smiled. "Of course!"

Peter grinned from ear to ear. "Great! If they say yes to the date- Do you have a phone?"

"Not my own."

"How about you call me on Steve's or Bucky's phone. My number is already on them."

"Alright. Sounds good! Did I say that right?"

Peter smiled. "You said that right."

"Good. Well, I have to go now. See you tomorrow?"

"Hopefully! C'mon, Ranger, it's time to go inside."

The two teens were blushing as red as strawberries.

"Peeta and Wanna sittin' in a twee! K-I-S-S-I-IN-GEE! Fiwst come-" Peter clamped his hands his little sister's mouth.

"Can it, Morgan."

"Can it?" Wanda asked.

"Shut up," Peter explained. "In this context, it means shut up."

Wanda wrinkled her nose. "I hate English. Bye, Peter. Bye, Morgan."

"Bye, Wanda!"

"Bye Wanna! Bye Wangew!"

Wanda giggled and headed back to her apartment.

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