The Bonding

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Jack was excited, ecstatic and a little nervous. He did not understand how this ceremony worked, yet they had ushered him into a room with Owen and Ianto's friend/ captain of the chosen one response squad with no time to soak in what had happened. The fae had changed their minds and accepted that their enemy would bond to what it seemed the most trusted fae in the realm.

"They require you to wear these; they are traditional robes" Reiner said, handing Jack a long white robe with golden threads twisted into spirals around the end of the sleeves and bottom of the robes. Jack started stripping out of his clothes much to Owen's horror and slipped the robe on.

"Why is there a tree on the back" Owen asked staring at golden embroiled tree which seemed to cover the entire back of the robe.

"The tree represents the Yggdrasil. We believe that through nature we will always remain connected through the roots and branches of the tree," Reiner explained before turning to look at Jack. "Listen Immortal One, Ianto has been there for Bertholdt and I though thick and thin. If it wasn't for Ianto, there wouldn't be a bonding ceremony because most fae don't believe in attaching themselves to someone for the rest of their eternal lives. I might be a fae but I'm still part arcateenian so if I want to I can read your mind and if I ever find any malicious thought against Ianto. I will find a way to kill you. You have my word on that".

"He's right, Harkness. You do anything to tea boy then you won't have to worry about the fae coming after you. Tosh will be first in line to murder you" Owen said. Although Jack suspected that Owen would more than willing to help Tosh if he so desired, Jack had noticed how close he had gotten to Ianto these last few weeks, if Owen hadn't been dating Tosh Jack would have worried that he was trying to steal Ianto for himself.

"Tosh is scary when she gets angry" Jack shivered. He remembered how he felt when she ripped into him because of his behaviour with Gwen. It was the one and hopefully the only time he ever had to be on the receiving end of her temper.

"If you are prepared Immortal One we shall head to the cathedral" Reiner said before walking out of the room, he didn't pay any attention to see whether the immortal one or the human was following.

"Man, he has some long legs, he knows that we're meant to follow him" Jack complained as he walked into the corridor to see that Reiner had already disappeared.

"Then you're in luck, Harkness. It's a good thing that whilst you were with the queen Ianto gave us a tour" Owen said smirking before he too took off towards the Cathedral with Jack hurrying behind him whilst trying his best to not trip over the robes they forced him to wear.

Ianto was already prepared. He didn't want to say he was eager, but he kind of was. The thought Jack would belong to him and only him just felt so exhilarating that he wanted to run to the cathedral that second and tell the queen to do a short version and bond them as soon as possible. Not that he would ever be rude to his queen, he was just excited.

"So, what happens when you and Jack bond? Is there an obvious difference like will you feel each other or talk telepathically or is bonding just a different name to marriage," Tosh asked, when Ianto had explained what this whole deal involved, he never really explained what happened to the people who had bonded.

"I'm not sure. Bertl, you never said what it's like" Ianto said turning to face one of his oldest friends. Bertholdt smiled as he pressed a hand over his heart.

"I can feel Reiner, his emotions. The closer he is the strong the connection, the furthest he is the weaker it is. We can also send each other's emotions, it's more used to calm or sooth him whenever he's angry or irritated like now. I can feel that he's irritated with something, so I've been sending him some calming emotions to help him relax and stop him from doing something we both know he will regret later. Reiner can become very hothead when he's protecting people he cares about," Bertholdt explained, his hand still rested on his heart "and we have this, a mark which shows that Reiner and I have this bond. I'm not sure whether it will be the same or different from yours Ianto, but it's special".

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