Small Worlds

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Susie was dead - suicide. Jack had hired Gwen which Ianto personally believed was the biggest mistake of all. Lisa had been discovered when the cyberman inside her finally took over. He could feel his heartbreak, it ached from loss but it didn't hurt as much as he expected. Maybe it was because the Fae inside him knew that Lisa was already gone or maybe just maybe the feelings Ianto had for Lisa wasn't as strong as they use to be - like someone else had stolen his heart. He hated how little time had past yet his life had changed significantly. The Queen's Fae proposal was something which played on a loop in his mind, what she wanted him to do? Was he really that wiling and loyal to the Fae that he would agree to give up his life for that. All this didn't matter at the moment.

Ianto stormed down the corridors of the Queen Fae's palace. His blood was boiling. How dare they asking him to keep the Immortal One away from their Chosen One yet they believe it is fine to pull a stunt like this. He knew the Chosen One Response Squad would currently be in a session with the Queen to decide what to do with the situation with their chosen one before they take her - Jasmine, Ianto thinks her name was. He knew he would have to appear to her sooner or later to tell her to hurry up with her decision about leaving or that Torchwood will try and make the decision for her. Ianto barely glanced in the guards as he barged past them and flung open the doors to the courtroom.

"I do apologies for barging in unannounced like this your majesty but I had to see the Captain before they left today" Ianto spat at an apology to his queen but his eyes were focused on the fae he was looking for.

"Ianto is there a problem?" The queen asked, the Captain looked equally as confused.

"Yes there is, we all know of the immortal one and what he is capable of and I was instructed by the Captain to keep him away from the fae as much as possible however, today when I was finishing off some work at Torchwood I discovered that Jack had a red petal on his desk the same desk he was currently sitting on. So he must have seen it meaning that he knows that the fae are here and will be tracking down our chosen one. So I really do not understand why you would order me to keep him away when you seem to announce your presence to him. Now tell me how the hell am i meant to keep him away now" Ianto ranted.

"Ianto we would never announce our.... Jason where were you this morning before you came to this meeting you had disappeared for something?" The Captain looked over at their youngest recruit who seemingly shrunk under the heated looks he was getting.

"You warned us about Harkness. I thought he would feel threatened if he saw the petal and stay aware" Jason muttered. The Queen sighed. Jason had only been with the Fae for a little as three months Fae times so he had yet encountered the immortal one to really understand how much of a threat he was.

"I must apologies on his part Ianto. I hate to ask but if there is anyway you can delay Torchwood finding Jasmine it will be much appreciated. We will work on trying to convince our chosen one to make up her mind on what she wants whether she wishes to stay with her mother or come with us" the Captain said, bowing his head in an apologetic stance.

"I can visit Jasmine try and explain to her the implications if Torchwood finds her" Ianto suggested, he wanted to try and help his fellow Fae, he knew what it was like trying to get your chosen one away from Torchwood. Every Fae had to have some experience of Torchwood and Ianto had unfortunately come across both Jack and Torchwood multiple times during his time working apart of The Chosen One Response Squad.

"That would be much appreciated Ianto. When you are free please talk to her" the queen said, Ianto spared a glance over at her majesty. He bowed to his queen before leaving

Ianto went straight to Jasmine's house after leaving the queen palace. The young chosen one was sat on her bed just after getting dressed into her pyjamas.

"You are one of them?" Jasmine said when she finally noticed the new arrival in her room. Ianto smile as he took as seat on Jasmine's bed. He was still in his human form but would be undetectable if Jasmine's mother would enter her room.

"I am, my name is Ianto and I became a fae thousands of years ago yet only fourteen years liner time. I have come to talk to you about your decision do mind?" Ianto asked, he wanted to be polite after all Jasmine had never met him before, he didn't want her to feel like she was forced to talk with her.

"Yes, what is it?" Jasmine said.

"Soon you will be asked to make a decision about whether you wish to come with the Fae or stay with your mother. I'm not here to ask for your answer, it is not my right anymore. However, through recent events you might be need to make your decision sooner than you might be comfortable with. I'm not sure how much the Captain has told you about our race however, we have you could say a menace someone who gets in the way of our chosen ones. He is called the immortal one because well he is immortal. Jack has learnt about our presence in this world and will try and stop you from leaving to prevent him getting you the Captain will ask you to make your choice soon enough. If you don't the immortal one will find you and he will try and keep you here dooming the rest of the world. I was sent here by the Queen to explain what was happening since I work with the immortal one on a separate mission for the queen" Ianto explained, he wasn't sure whether Jasmine really understood the urgency or severity of the situation but she nodded her head and smiled.

"Would you be able to stay for a bit and answer some of my questions please?" Jasmine asked.

"Of course, what would like to know?" Ianto replied as a warm smile was present on his face as he listened and answered each of Jasmine's questions as honestly as he could.

Ianto didn't return to the hub until much later that night. Tosh was busy typing away at her computer with her communicator in her ear, there was no sign of Owen, Jack or Gwen.

"Where is everyone?" Ianto asked when he put some herbal tea beside Tosh. Tosh looked up at him gratefully before picking up her tea and taking a big gulp of it.

"Thank you Ianto, I needed that. Jack and the others left a few minutes ago, Jack got a call from a woman called Estelle apparently the creatures have targeted her" Tosh answered before returning to her computer, she was tracking the SUV. Ianto quickly excused himself before darting into the archives once he was out of sight of any of the camera he changed into his fae form and flew out of the hub. Fae moved faster then any vehicle that he arrived at Estelle's house in matter of seconds. He found the older woman cowering outside being pelted with rain, Ianto saw the same Fae from earlier watching from the trees as the old woman slowly died. Ianto growled as he landed in front of the woman, he willed the rain away like it was nothing. It was technically. When you have years of practice using your powers something like a youngsters powers can be easily dismissed.

"What are you doing? She knows too much about us!" Jason shouted.

"You try anything else and I will rip you to pieces now leave before I make you leave" Ianto threatened, he felt the ground and wind echo his threat as it threw Jason out of his perch. Ianto didn't give the other fae another look as he turned human again and revealed himself to Estelle, she looked up at him in shock but Ianto just gave her a gentle smile before helping her to her feet. Ianto carefully guided Estelle back inside before wrapping a blanket around her shoulders to start warming her up.

"Estelle" Jack shouted throwing the back gate open.

"I promise you Estelle. I will keep you safe from them just promise me this don't tell Jack I was here. He can never know" Ianto said, old woman seemed lost in her thoughts but nodded regardless.

"I promise" she whispered.

"Thank you" Ianto smile before pressing a light kiss to Estelle's forehead then turning away, Jack would be here any moment now.

"What's your name?" Estelle suddenly said.

"Jones, Ianto Jones" Ianto replied before disappearing the same way he appeared to her.

"Thank you Ianto Jones" Estelle whispered just before Jack came barging into her front room with Gwen and another man in tow. 

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