Killing Rumors

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Oxenfurt High School is known as the best high school in all of the Redanian cities. Their graduation rate is at a lovely 89%, which some deemed to be impossible, but the ways of teaching and the teachers there helped that percentage skyrocket. Then there was the variety of what the high school taught- just about everything one could think of.

There was a few specific teachers that helped with this, but most had their eye on one of them.

"Have you seen the way Professor Julian looks?"

"Gods, his hair is so perfect- and his eyes!"

"I'm not gay- but I'd take a few rounds with him."

"Bro, you could not sound gayer saying that. There's not a 'no homo' to be added in that."

Professor Julian Pankratz was usually the talk of the school, in more ways than one. The kindness and patience he showed his students, how he was able to be chill no matter what, the way he taught even the hardest part of the subjects given, but most of the talk pointed to the way he looked.

His chestnut brown hair with bangs that were always swept to the side, his sparkling azure eyes that lit up no matter how he felt, the occasional black eyeliner that brought out his eyes, and his wonderful outfits.

"If only he wasn't married, imagine a life with him!"

Professor Julian was used to hearing all this talk, and it made him laugh sometimes. At other times, it tired him because none of them would focus on the lesson.

"Could anyone tell me about the Slaughter of Cintra?" The professor stood up from his seat and moved his hands to rest against his back. He was taking over a lesson for a friend who was sick, history wasn't his best subject- but no one else wanted to cover the lessons.

No one raised their hand or answered out of turn. This had been going on throughout the day, perhaps it had been a bad idea to take over.

"Professor?" Oh thank the gods, someone raised their hand. "You say your married, and you have a ring on your finger, but how come you never talk about her?"

Julian widened his eyes and choked on air. "Why does my personal life matter to any of you?" He should know the answer, but perhaps it was better to ask than to continue to listen.

The girl who raised her hand allowed it to fall and tilted her head. "My friends and I have started to believe you're not married, and you're just using an excuse to not accept another's love."

Ouch. How offensive! And a child at her age- a senior of this high school, the nerve in that child! "This ring is anything but fake, you do not have the right to push to know my personal life."

Loud knocking interrupted the girl from speaking again. Thank the gods. Julian walked to the door, ignoring the glare he received from the child. "A-Ah, Geralt! W-What're you doing here?"

The professor backed away from the door as the Witcher stepped forward. His students rose from their seats to see, they heard of the famous Geralt of Rivia- what was he doing in a high school?

"Can I not visit my husband at work?" A smirk had reached his lips. He had heard the rumors of his beloved, and he was here to stop it all.

The students dropped their jaws at it. They had never thought of husband- no- they all assumed he was married to a woman!

Julian couldn't help but smile back. "I suppose you can," he looked down at his husband's hands. "Oh, my lunch! Is that why you came?"

Geralt grunted. "Sort of." His amber eyes turned to the students. "Have fun with history, love." He set the paper bag down in Julian's hands, then gave him a peck to the lips. "I'll see you at home." Then he was gone.

"Well, that was eventful!" Julian grinned and turned back to his students. He took note of their surprise, and he couldn't help but feel smug- he had won- Geralt had killed the rumor. "Now," he set his lunch down on his desk. "Can anyone tell me about the Slaughter of Cintra?"

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