Violence Isn't Always The Answer

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"Geralt, darling, please? We'll only be there for an hour or two."

When Jaskier heard of the pride parade hitting New York, he immediately went to his boyfriend about going. He's been to quite a few in his time and was aware of how they would be, but thought about how different it would be with someone by his side.

The only problem was convincing Geralt to go. He continued to counter with the amount of people that would be there, crowds not being his style.

"Geralt, it's June- pride month." Jaskier put his hands on his hips, just about done. "I have gone every year since I turned 19, they're not that bad!" He didn't want to mention that some people who attended were homophobic, he had always been good at ignoring people like that. "It's a lot of fun, we can even take Ciri with us! She needs to get out of the house anyway."

Geralt pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "If Ciri agrees to come, I'll go. If not," he stood up from the couch. "I'm not going."

"I'll go!" Ciri hopped up from her bed and clapped her hands together. "I've always wanted to go to one of these, see how it's like."

Right after that, they were in the car, on the way to the parade. Jaskier dressed himself in a way to show who he was, painting his colors onto a heart that was placed onto his right cheek. He had also colored his nails, wanting to go all out. Ciri and Jaskier managed to hold Geralt down long enough to paint his flag over both his cheeks, his anger faltered after seeing that both his favorite people were happy. That's all that mattered to him.

His happiness did alter when they pulled up to a decent parking space. There were people everywhere.

"Dad?" Ciri tapped his hand, forcing him out of his thoughts. "Just stay close to us, okay?" She tried her brightest smile, putting him at ease once more.

Waltzing out of the car, Jaskier looked around with a large smile on his face. This would be his first time with a significant other, each year he had gone with friends which already wasn't the same.

Ciri motioned him over, mouthing 'Dad needs comfort' because Geralt would never admit it himself. That was the phrase for 'hold his hand to calm him down'.

"We'll stay with everyone for an hour, is that okay?" Jaskier asked his boyfriend after giving his hand a squeeze of reassurance. Geralt mumbled a 'fine', which made Jaskier smile.

Everything started off calm. The three walked hand-in-hand with the rest of the crowd, talking to people around them about anything and everything. Ciri talked with other kids about her dads and mom while Jaskier talked to couples about how they met and other things.

But when people started shouting profanities towards those participating in the parade... Geralt had a hard time keeping his anger at a minimum.

"Geralt, darling, just ignore them." Jaskier whispered to his boyfriend. "It wouldn't be good to start anything." He felt bad for not acknowledging and doing something about what was happening around them, but violence didn't seem like the answer at the moment.

Well, all until someone decided to say something to Jaskier and Ciri

"You show you love a woman and a man, but you're not with either. You're with a monster, and by doing that, you're ruining a child's life." A man around their age had made his way to their side, spitting his venomous words in Jaskier's face.

Despite seeing the pleads to not engage in his boyfriend's eyes, Geralt yanked Jaskier and Ciri away from the man, grabbed him by his shirt's collar, then brought his knee to meet the man's crotch.

People around them 'oo'ed' as the man doubled over in pain, hissing a spew of curses under his breath. Geralt kicked under his jaw then squatted to meet the man's face.

"Insult my boyfriend and daughter again, and I'll ruin more than I've done." Geralt growled, his amber eyes burning with anger and warning. The man nodded and scrambled away, still holding a hand to where Geralt had kneed him.

The scene had stirred quite a few other disagreements between the two sides. Violence truly hadn't been the answer, for it had only brought more conflict.

"Well, I suggest we leave now before the authorities arrive," Jaskier said, moving away from new brawls in the crowd. Ciri nodded in agreement, looking to her other dad who still looked extremely pissed off. "C'mon, Geralt, we can't be here when they ask how this all started."

While they hurried back to where they had parked, Jaskier talked Geralt's ear off on how everything was supposed to stay peaceful. It wasn't that he wasn't thankful for what his boyfriend had done, it was the matter of him starting something that didn't need to happen.

"Next time, ignore those comments." Jaskier said once they got into the car. "If you always do that, Cirilla and I could get pulled in, and I'd rather not have that." Geralt grunted and stared out the window. "As I said before, violence isn't always the answer."

(Idk where the hell I was going with this one, but I hope you enjoyed anyway...)

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