Before He Cheats - Part Two

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Thank you @Stiles_McHale for the request!

The woman's name was Charlie. A 5'6" brunette with a low, messy bun wearing tight blue jeans that matched her eyes along with a white tank top. Beautiful would be the first word to describe the way she looked... until her face was fully revealed.

Her bottom lip was busted, and light bruising were seen under her left eye— makeup had been an attempt to hide it, but that hadn't worked out. It looked like she had pulled into a fight and lost.

Geralt had been half-wasted when she waltzed into the bar. A nasty case had been solved, and he didn't want to spend another thought about what he had done to finish it all. Four beers was all it could take for him to start losing his way.

"Rough day at work?" Charlie had spoken to him first, noticing the bags under his eyes as well as the scowl that reached his expression when she gestured to his badge. That said it all for her.

The end of the bar counter had been quiet— annoyed wasn't quite the right word to be used describing Geralt. "I'm here to drink alone."

Charlie only scoffed and pulled a seat beside him, leaning on her chin while looking him up and down. "Saturday night at this bar is not the day to drink alone, sir. For someone such as yourself, I'd suggest drinking at home."

Home. Julian. Geralt frowned at the thought of what would happen if he were drinking like this at home. 'I swear, Geralt, I will smack that bottle out of your hands and make you clean it up!' That's what his beloved would say. Anything to keep him from drowning himself in his own misery. 'There's better ways to deal with this, darling.'

A grunt was the only reply. He needed to finish his beer before anything else.

"Well, you're quite the conversationalist." Charlie shot the rest of her own drink down. "Drinking isn't the only way to relieve yourself of stress you know."

At this point, the five beers had gotten to him. Gerald's body buzzed and his mind fogged over, leaving meaningless words to leave his lips without a mental stop sign. "Yeah? And what's your version? The bathroom? Back of someone's car?"

That had been exactly it, and the alcohol helped him make the poor decision that lead to Charlie's car.

Any sort of alcoholic beverage didn't stay too long in Geralts' system. An hour or two and it was all gone... it was one of the reasons why he didn't too much, or alone— because when he was wasted, his mind made stupid decisions.

Seeing himself in the backseat of a dodge naked with a woman under him snapped sobriety into his system; it had only taken an hour.

The thoughts running through his mind as he threw Charlie off of him whipped everything into shape. All of them ended up at the same road end: his boyfriend.

There was so much trust in their relationship... mistakes were rarely made, and if they were— they were small mistakes... nothing this big.

His heart thumped harder against his chest when an all too familiar curl-haired brunette met his eyes. Triss. Fuck.

"You've finally done it, Geralt. Congratulations." Her tone was as cold as her expression. The hatred and anger burning in her chocolate eyes made Geralt seem incredibly small.

Triss took slow steps toward him. "I warned him, you know. About you and your past with others..." she shook her head at the memory: The sparks in her friend's eyes, the large smile on his lips. "He didn't listen, and I was okay with that for a while. But, here we are."

The detective folded his arms, shaking his head over and over again. "I-I didn't mean to, Triss, I was—"

"Save it for him," Triss snapped, jabbing her finger into Geralt's chest. "He deserves to hear your words, not me." She retracted with a small huff, turning away. "There's not an explanation that will switch his mind into instant forgiveness like usual, Geralt. You betrayed his trust, and that's that. You better hope he shows you more mercy than he showed anything else, otherwise you're in for a world of hurt."

*  *  *

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" A paperback version of 'IT' was the first object thrown at Geralt. "I TRUSTED YOU! I. TRUSTED. YOU."

Some would tell Julian that his reaction was completely unnecessary. That person either did not know him personally, or didn't know what he spent his paycheck on.

Geralt dodged the next wooden utensil and hurried over to his boyfriend, grabbing his forearms before anything else was thrown again. "Will you please let me explain!" His voice was driven to a shout, something only used on the job. It would usually frighten Julian— but not this time.

"No!" Julian snatched his arms back and pushed Geralt away. "You don't get to explain shit! You went drinking, so that tells me your case ended badly, or you were just feeling something that made you want to get drunk! Then a woman comes along and you can't resist her! Please, Geralt, I damn well know how this ends!"

He knew how it ended from all the lovers before him. He knew all kinds of things that Geralt hadn't told him— because someone else had already told the story.

"I'm here for a reason!" Julian shouted, his voice slowly beginning to break. "I-I'm here if you need me! A shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, someone to love." He shook his head, scoffing lightly as a tear fell. "Not anymore... no... not after this." A velvet box was slammed into Geralt's hand. "Maybe next time you should think before you cheat— intentional or not."

After shooting his point, Julian stormed out of his apartment, ready to stay at Triss' for as long as possible.

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