Before He Cheats - Part Three

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Thank you @Stiles_McHale for the request again!

Stopping things with Geralt had a HUGE affect on Julian- though he was the one who did it. What was even the point in proposing to your lover if he had been with a woman for the night?

There wasn't one.

Julian fell into an easy routine after that. Wake up, make some coffee, strum on his guitar, have a few glasses of wine, then go to bed. The ability to make new music or converse with anybody was thrown out the window. He was broken.

Triss didn't like seeing her friend like this one bit. Who would? The poor bastard was moping around her house, trying to find a new purpose without someone to love by his side. He was like a puppy, who instead of waiting for their master to come home, was abandoned and left to fend for themself.

It was depressing.

Geralt wasn't any better. He was more angry and irritated than usual. It wasn't toward anyone else- no, he was angry at himself.

It lead to recklessness on cases. The amount of times he was chewed up by the chief was ridiculous for someone like him. Even the chief himself was surprised, one of his best was off his rocker.

One of the people Geralt was close to in the force, or he stuck to him due to them being partners, Lambert, poked and prodded at it until Geralt snapped.

He exploded while on a missing persons case. Geralt ranted on how it was his fault for not going home, his fault for allowing the alcohol to get to him, his fault that he invited the girl into his car, his fault Julian threw the engagement box at him.

Lambert was usually a jokester about everything. He'd send a little light onto a case and make fun of tiny things to get a kick out of Geralt. But this wasn't funny. Nope.

This was downright fucking depressing and annoying.

Drastic measures needed to be taken. As horrible as it might end, or as much as Julian's gonna hate it, it needs to happen. Because Triss doesn't know how much longer she can take her friend's shit.

Julian had been in the middle of writing a song when the doorbell rang. His imagination finally kicked in, giving him an idea for a song... a song about heartbreak. Perfect.

He set down his acoustic guitar with a huff, annoyed that he had to put the test on pause. Writing it on paper was one thing, playing it out right was a whole other.

The annoyance was quickly replaced by shock when the door swung open. "Yennefer?"

The raven-haired woman snapped her violet eyes up, rolling them. "Hello, Julian."

* * *

The couch had become quite a comfortable spot for Geralt to be. A whiskey glass in his hand, a case file and papers spread across the coffee table, and something playing on the TV. Multiple distractions at once kept him from thinking negatively or doing something stupid... or both.

There was a huge surprise when he heard the doorbell ring. No one visited him. No one. Not since-

Geralt shook his head and set his glass down. It had been a fine day without thinking about- nope. Not doing it.

But, there was no escaping the thought of his ex- because when Geralt looked through the peep-hole, there stood Julian, his eyes to the ground, and an uncomfortable look on his face.

The door was unlocked and cracked open, snapping the brunette's head up. "Julian? W-What're you doing here?" His tone was a tad harsh, their last encounter hadn't exactly been unicorns and rainbows.

"May I come in?" Julian whispered, loud enough for Geralt to hear. "Please?

The door was opened wider, allowing the brunette in. "Sure. This is still your home." That forced Julian's heart to slam hard against his chest. The hurt mixed with the anger hurt him... and it made him realize what he had done to his- Geralt.

Julian looked around the living room, seeing papers scattered everywhere. He wanted to pick them all up and organize them into piles, or at least clear off half the table. And the way the kitchen was- coffee grounds still on the counter, a few cups in the sink, and the Keurig was still on.

"Good Lord, does tidiness not matter to you?" His old instincts kicked in, and he beelined to the kitchen. He turned off the machine and brushed the runaway grounds away from the counter and into the sink, going to clean the dishes next.

A snort cane from Geralt, who had his arms crossed and was leaning on the couch. "Never really has. You're the one that usually keeps everything up." The last bit was quieter, once again harsher than the rest. "What're you doing here? Have you come to clean up the apartment? You know I can do it myself, or hire someone."

Ah. Why he was here. Right. "Um... I've come to... apologize."

Geralt quirked an eyebrow up. "Why would you apologize? I'm the one who-"

"Yes. Yes you did," Julian interrupted, whipping his body around to face Geralt. "But the way that I responded... it was too much. You were drunk and probably didn't know what you were doing- but that also doesn't excuse what you did." He paused, taking in a short breath. "The damage to your car, the way I talked to you... I'm sorry."

He was apologizing. "Why? Why now? Why in general? What're you trying to accomplish by doing this?"

Julian held back a sigh and walked over to the couch, only to stop and lean on the counter, a few feet away from Geralt. "I want to make things right, is what I'm saying. I'm not saying that this will excuse both of our actions, but I think that we should... start over. Try again." Another pause, debating on whether to include who told him to do this.... no. Maybe not now. "Would you want to do that? Try again?"

Try again. Get back together. Be happy. Geralt uncrossed his arms, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. If he did this, the walls he had put right up would be taken down again, he would have to gain back all of Julian's trust, slowly but surely... "Are you sure you want to?"

Julian's mind was split in half on this. He had also put up walls, keeping everyone away from how he felt. He'd start all over, as if they were just meeting again... The fear of getting hurt like that again smacked him across the face, but then the feeling of having someone again healed over it. "I'm sure, Geralt."

And that is the final one-shot! I know I put out earlier before that I'd do a little wedding shot, but I'm kinda 'eh' on The Witcher right now. So, this is it! Thank you for reading!

~ bi_with_a_pie

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