The Kidnapping Game

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Book Name: The Kidnapping Game

Author: flyingunicornz_

Genre: Mystery/Fantasy

Status: Incomplete

Read It: If you like kidnap mysteries

PG Rating: you're 13 (or older) so you have every right to read it

Star Ratings: ★★★

Book Description: "You have 10 minutes to find your dear husband... and your time starts now"

What happens if Liv couldn't find her husband within 10 minutes?

Liv came home to a news that she thought she will never hear. Her husband, a skilled fighter just like her, was kidnapped in broad daylight. In order to get her husband back, she has to play a series of games set by the psycho kidnapper. Things got physical and mentally challenging as she tries her best to rescue her husband.

REVIEW: What will I say, I love a good mystery or kidnap story and I would've have really loved this book if it was in really good shape.

The kidnapping game is a good work in progress, there is not much to worry about because if this book is given a little more attention and effort then it would be pretty irresistible and hard to drop until the end.

So now here's my verdict...

TITLE: The title is good, it simply tells us what's going on. It's a Kidnapping game but the truth is we don't know why it is a kidnapping game so this name will grab our attention and make us want to find out what going on in the story.

SUMMARY: It was great but you didn't have to add the part where you said "things get physically and mentally challenging for her". We all know it won't be easy and it would be challenging so it would be best if you left that part out.

COVER: Please apply to a cover shop and request for a new cover.

PROLOGUE: There wasn't a prologue but that's okay, not every book has a prologue.

GRAMMAR: Your grammar was terrible. You mixed up your tenses in the middle of a sentence.

For example: I nodded, even when I know he couldn't see me

Correct: I nodded, even when I knew he couldn't see me 

You switched tenses in the middle of your story a lot. You have to decide what tense you're writing in.

You can't start writing in past tense then switch to present tense in the next paragraph then switch back to past tense in the paragraph after that.

Pick a tense and try to stick to it, re-read your work after writing so you can identify where you switched tenses and then you modify them back to the tense you've chosen to write in.

Your punctuation was good and so was your spelling.

CHARACTERS: Well I would give your characters a 3 out of 5. They were passable, almost realistic. They still need to be worked on because sometimes their voices or action comes off as flat and empty like they just have to say it or act.

Everything they should do should be bas d on who they are and not what you want them to do or say.

CONFLICT: Your internal conflict at the beginning was good, almost relatable or believable until it just became like a routine and when it feels like it's being repeated it becomes boring.

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