Bear Trap {Daryl & Adrian}

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{Daryl and Adrian are hunting, two days after the events of the last chapter}

"We've been out here all day, Daryl. The sun is starting to go down and if we don't start heading back now,  the others are gonna start to worry."

Daryl grunts something before he nods. "Yeah, you're right."

We start heading back towards the prison.

Daryl and I had been spending a rather large portion of our time with each other since our intimate moment two nights ago.

He'd woke me up bright and early this morning to go out hunting for the day, I was surprised that he was up after the rather... rigorous... evening we'd shared.

"So what all did we catch?" I ask, eyeing the rope of rodents Daryl was wearing around himself.

After being out for so long, I'd hoped we'd have found a buck or something but no such luck seemed to have come. I'm pretty sure the biggest thing we'd gotten was a large rabbit.

"Five squirrels and one rabbit," Daryl mutters, obviously annoyed with our bad luck from the day. He too had been wanting to bring back a prize buck.

"Maybe if we go out again tomorr-"

My leg buckled underneath me and I fall to the ground, crying out in pain. Daryl is by my side in an instant, dropping his crossbow on the ground.

"Adrian!" He exclaims, dropping down next to me. "Are you okay?" He asks dumbfoundedly.

I look down my leg as the pain continues growing. "There's a fucking bear trap around my calf!" I growl at him. "Of course I'm not okay!"

Daryl turns his attention to the contraption. "Shit..." He mutters, his hands fidgeting carefully around the trap. "This is gonna hurt like hell."

"I really don't think it can get much worse than this." I say through clenched teeth.

Daryl's rough hands gently touch my leg, a feeling I'd grown used to in the past couple of days. However, this time I'm not so happy about it.

He grabs the sides of the bear trap. "I'm gonna pull it apart, think you can slip your leg out while I have it open?"

I nod quickly, my eyes are watery and squinting from the pain.

I watch as the muscles on Daryl's arms flex while he begins to pull the trap apart. "Now," He huffs out, struggling to keep the trap open. Daryl is definitely as strong as he looks, but the bear trap is putting his strength to the test.

I struggle to pull my leg out, the pain seeming unbearable. Daryl's face is turning redder as I finish sliding my foot out.

The second the end of my shoe is out of the trap, Daryl quickly lets it go. The trap snaps back shut, one of the blades slicing his finger in the process.

Daryl ignores his bleeding finger and crouches in front of me.

"Get on."

I hesitate as he waits for me to hop on his back.

"C'mon, you don't wanna bleed out here now. Do ya?"

I gently shake my head and crawl onto his back. I take hold of him tightly, resting my head against his shoulder before he starts running.

I clench my teeth tightly together as Daryl runs towards the prison. All I can feel is the burning sensation in my leg. The branches whipping by and the leaves getting caught in my hair don't phase me. The only thing I can focus on is my leg.

What if the damage is done? What if they can't fix it? What if it has to be amputated?

The thoughts race through my mind as my leg throbs in crippling pain.

If they had to amputate it how could I make it in this world? I wouldn't be able to do runs or even go hunting anymore... I'd be useless.

I'm distracted when Daryl starts shouting, we must be nearing the prison.

I can hear commotion starting up around us as I see the prison gate opening and Daryl runs inside.

He rushes through, straight to the cell block.

"Get Herschel!" He shouts as he takes me off his back, laying me down on a table instead.

Glenn comes up beside him. "Dude! What the hell happened?! Her leg looks like a freaking bear mauled it!"

"Shut up, man," Daryl mutters, shoving him out of the way. "Where the fuck is Herschel?!" He bangs his fist against the table. I shutter in pain as the table bounces and my leg jumps up then crashes back down onto it.

I grab his hand, "Daryl, it hurts so much." I whimper.

"Be strong Adrian, be strong." He says calmly and rests a hand on my forehead, brushing the hair out of my face.

Herschel comes rushing into the room. "What's going on?"

He stops abruptly when he sees me laying on the table, leg looking like spaghetti Tuesday exploded on it.

"Goddammit, do something to help her!" Daryl shouts angrily.

"What happened?"

"Bear trap," Daryl informs him.

He nods. "Glenn, I need alcohol and towels and bandages... and painkillers. Lots of painkillers...Grab the whole damn first aid kit too."

Glenn hurries to get the supplies.

"Hang in there, Adrian. You're gonna be fine..." Herschel tries to assure me.

I'm squeezing Daryl's hand tightly, my knuckles turning white.

I can feel myself sweating buckets through my clothes. "It's so hot in here." I mumble, breathing heavily.

Daryl quickly helps to take my jacket off as Glenn comes running in with the supplies. "I got everything I could find,"

Herschel nods and looks over the supplies. "Son, I'm gonna need your help."

I scowl as Glenn already looks uneasy just from seeing my battered leg.

Daryl lets go of my hand, shoving Glenn out of the way. "I got it."


Rick comes in looking just as concerned and freaked as everyone else around me.

"I need you to hold her down."

Herschel is grabbing the bottle of alcohol from the first aid kit.

"This is going to sting." He tells me as he pours the alcohol onto a cloth then holds it above my leg.

Once again, I wasn't sure if it could get any worse. I was already in so much pain.

He presses the alcohol rag on my leg and I scream out, trying to pull the leg away and get myself far from the bottle but I'm unsuccessful.

"Daryl!" I scream, wanting nothing but his comfort.

He does his best to ignore me so he can help Herschel but when I open my eyes I can see he's watching me and he's in pain from it.

Rick is holding me down as Herschel starts working on my leg. He's holding a clean towel to it, trying to stop the bleeding.

The pressure makes it hurt even more and I continue to squirm under everyone's arms and cry out in pain.

I watch from the corner of my eye as Herschel takes out a needle and thread.

"No, no, no, no, no..." I roll my head back and forth on the table.

"It's either this or you lose the leg," Herschel says as he threads the needle.

I hold my breath as I wait for him to make the first stitch. I press my head into the table, scrunch my eyes shut, and purse my lips as tightly as they'll go.

The needle punctures my skin and I scream again. He continues to make the stitches as I scream.

By now, all I want is to blackout. I don't want to endure the pain anymore. I beg for my body to collapse as he stitches me.

My mind starts to blank as my screams become less frequent, I hear everyone's commotion getting quieter. Finally, the pain begins subsiding, my eyes fall shut and suddenly it's all gone.

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