chapter 6

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Rachel pov.

i smiled when i got santana her text back. I put my phone aside and drove futher to my house. I was again tired, so this time i did some music on from broadway shows. I song with them untill i came home.

I parked the car and got inside the house straight to my room. I took of my clothes and brushed my teeth and got in bed. I starred at the cieling. I was so proud of myself that i did the first move to give her my number. although we just met. She is so fun to be around. That is why i gave her my number. I smiled and closed my eyes and fell a sleep.

Later that day i woke up and it was just 1 oclock. I got out of the bed and walked towards the shower and did the water on. I took of my pj's and got in. I stood there relaxed when i felt the sharp pain again.

"What is wrong with me?".i say soft holding my lower belly. I breathed in and out untill the pain slowly got away again. I sighed and than relaxed again. And put the thoughts of the pain aside.

Later when i was ready i got down stairs and saw my mom sitting at the couch reading. "Hey mom".i say while i took a cup of hot tea and sat with her. "Hey rachel"." How was work?" She asks.

"It was fun"." I really like it there"." The people there are also nice"." But i am happy i have day shifts now".i say smiling while i put my hands around the warm cup. My mom put her book aside and faced me. "Do you miss broadway?".she asks serious.

"Sometimes"." But it was to stressfull". I say looking at her.

"What about singing?" She than asks.

"Mom i still can sing whenever i want". "I am fine"." And i am still young".i say smiling and than she laid a hand on my knee. "As long as you are happy with it" she said soft.

"I am mom".i say and drink a bit of my tea. "Okay than". She said.

"Where are dad and blaine?" I ask her. "Blaine is at kurt his house"." And your dad went to a meeting". "So just you and me" she said and i nodd.

"Shall we watch funny girl?" I ask her.

"That sounds as a good idea"." If you grab some snacks"." I will put the dvd in".she said and i stand up and walk to the kitchen. I felt the sharp pain again. But this time it was less painfull. I ignored it and grabbed some snacks and walked back. The pain slowly got away again.

I sat down and smiled at my mom.

"Ready?" She asks. "Yes ready" i say and my mom starts the movie.

The whole movie we song together with the movie. Than i felt my phone vibrate and took it out of my pocket. It was santana. Hey rachel, i don't know if you want too. But do you want to go out tomorrow? Shopping or just sitting somewhere? Xxx santana

i smiled really big and i guess my mom noticed. "Who is that?"." You are smiling like crazy".she asks curious. I turn red and face her. "She is some one from work"." She is so nice and funny"." And a lesbian".i say quickly. "Aw, rachel"." That is so nice"." I am so happy for you".she said and hugged me "what did she asked?" My mom asked.

"If i wanted to go out shopping or just sit somewhere". I say happy.

"Are you going to say yes?" My mom asks.

"Yeah"." I guess so" i say smiling and i text her back.
Hey santana, sounds fun. Shopping and sit somewhere is both okay. Do i need to pick you up? Xxx rachel.

I got already a text back from her.
I will pick you up at 11. Is that okay?

Sounds really okay! :). Xxx rachel

"Awww.. my girl is in love".my mom said and i roll my eyes. "Mom stop that"." We just met".i say and my mom laughs.

"Yes, but you will feel in your heart"." When you like some one" she said and i giggled.

"Okay mom" i say and we continue to watch funny girl.

After that my mom started to cook dinner and i was just surfing on the internet when the door got open.

"Hey sis".i hear blaine say and i turn around and smile.

"Hi blaine"." How was it at kurts?" I say and blaine sat next to me.

"You mean how was it with santana?" He said laughing.

"No that is not what i meant". I say blushing.

"Santana was texting you when i was there"." Santana is a really fun girl"." She is really nice". Blaine said and i looked at him.

"I know that already"." So you also know we are going to hang out?". I say and he nodds.

"That is not even funny". I say fake upset crossing my arms.

"Awww.. come on"." Miss berry"." You know kurt also tells me everything"." So are you feeling well again?". Blaine asked now serious.

"Yeah, i am fine".i say to him. Blaine looks at me and i try to hide the fact i had the pains a lot of times.

"I know you are lying"." But fine"." I will stop asking".he said and kissed my forehead and got up from the couch. I hate lying to him. But i don't want to worry him.

"Rachel, blaine dinner is ready".my mom said put of the kitchen. I open my eyes and i realised i fell a sleep again. I didn't even noticed. How is this possible i am so tired all the time?

I shake it off and stood up and walked to the kitchen. Where my mom, dad and blaine already were.

"Fallen a sleep on the couch hunny"." That job of yours is making you tiring"." It isn't healthy". My dad said worried. While i sat down with them at the table.

"Dad i am fine"." I guess it is just all so new"." But the other shifts i will have are at day"." So i will be fine" i say smiling.

I look at blaine who always feels me. And i can tell he knows something is up with me. He looks worried but i give him a smile and he nodds.

"Okay lets eat than"." I am straving". My dad said and we all laugh and start to eat.

Later that night when i was laying in bed i felt the same heavy pain in my under belly again. I did my face in my pillow. So i could not make loud noise to scare my parents or blaine. I cry into the pillow of the sharp pains. It hurts like hell. I can't even breath. And than the pain is gone. As soon as it came. I turn my head on my pillow. And breath slowly to control the breathing and my heartbeat. I slowly drift of to sleep Again.

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