chapter 10

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Santana pov.

Blaine and i are sitting here for a hour now watching rachel sleep. I look at blaine who is looking at his twin sister sadly. I reach over to his arm. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. He looks at me and nodds his head slowly.

" i hate to see her like this"." She was always the stronger one of us"." And to see her like this it breaks my heart"." I hope she can fight this". Blaine said looking at rachel.

"She really is amazing girl"." She will get through this". " with you and your parents" i say and he looks at me.

"And with you". He said and i blushed. "Yeah"." I will do everything for her". I say smiling.

"You really love her already don't you? ".he said and i nodd my head smiling.

"I am so happy you know"." She needs that"." Now more than ever".he said facing her and stroking her hair out of her face. We hear the door going open and see shelby and hiram walking in.

"Good that she is sleeping".hiram said and shelby laid down the back and opends it.

"Brought her favorite pj's and her ipod". Her mom said and Blaine stands up and helps her putting the stuff a side.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and loom up and see hiram. "I am happy you are here for her too" he said and i smiled.

"Thank you". I say and stand up. "I will leave you all with her so you can have a moment with her". I say and walk to the door.

"Why don't you stay santana?". Shelby asks me and i turn around.

"I don't want to interupped"." I will come back tomorrow" i say and shelby shakes her head and walks up at me and takes my hands in hers and looks into my eyes.

"Please stay"." Rachel would want that"." You know she tols me yesterday about you"." When you textes her"." I could see in her eyes she loves you already"." So it will mean a lot if you stayed here"." Hiram and i will go home and get some sleep"." And we will be back in the morning"." So just stay here"." I know you want too".she said looking at mr and i nodd mybhead. "Okay".i say and shelby lets my hands go.

She walks up to blaine and hugs him. "We will be back early in the morning".she aaid and he nodded. "Bye mom"." Bye dad".he said while day walked out and i walked back to the bed insecure of what just happend. I sat down on the chair and looked at Rachel. She was so peacefull right now. I wish i could take all the cancer away. I sigh and yawn a bit.

" go get some sleep" blaine said and i smile at him. And lay my head on the side of rachel her bed. Not lwaving her hand.

I slowly drift of to sleep.

Rachel pov.

I wake up and see at my both sides blaine and santana sleeping on the side of my bed. I want to wake them but than i feel the heavy sharp pain again. And i scream out in pain i sit up and santana and blaine are awake shocked. I start to cry out of the pain. "Rachel omg"." I will call a nurse".blaine said and run out the door. I cry and santana slowly goes with her hand over my back and holds my hand. "It hurts".i say between the tears. "I know"." Blaine will call a nurse".she said and i nodd. Santana sits on the bed beaide me and i lay my head in her shoulder. When blaine and a nurse comes back in. "Hello rachel"." I will put some medicine in your iv"." The pain will go away than"." I will talk with the doctor to make plans for the operation"." So it will be sooner". She aaid and walked out. Blaine sits down at the other side and i cry while santana and blaine comfort me.

"I don't want this"." I hate this"." I was starting to worm again"." I don't want to be in here"." I want to go home".i say between the tears.

"I know you want that rachel"." But you need to get better first"." You are strong"." You can fight this cancer".blaine said and i look at him not leaving my head from santana her shoulder.

" i love you blainers"." Don't forget that omay".i say soft. "And i love you sis"." I will not leave your side".he saif and i give him a smile. I feel tired again and close my eyes. I feel santana pulling me back into the pillow. "Please don't leave me"." Can you both just lay with me".i say soft not opening my eyes. "Sure".santana said and i feel two body's getting to lay next to me. I feel relaxed now with the two people i love the most. Besides my parents ofcourse.

I breath one more time heavy before i drift of to sleep again.

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