chapter 15

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Santana pov.

Everything happend so fast after the results of the scan. One moment rachel is crying the next moment the doctors are fighting for her life. When she said she was so tired and closed her eyes, all the machines went off. Blaine and i started to panick and run out of the room. "Something is wrong" Blaine yelled. And the next moment we had to stay out of her room and there were doctors going in and out her room. Her parents were crying and blaine just sat there in shock like me. I took is hand and looked at him.

"She will survive" i say soft wiping my own tears away.

"I hope so" is the only thing blaine could say.

We sat there what lookes like hours but we just waited a half hour untill there came a doctor towards us.

"Rachel is stable"." But a virus got into her longs"." We had to put her in a coma". Tje doctor said and i hear her mom scream. And cry loudly. Hiram tried to comfort her but she run away. Blaine and i looked at each other and cried also. "I am so sorry" the doctor said. "How long does she need to stay in the coma?" Blaine asked sad.

"It is hard to say".the doctor said that worried me even more. "Will she wake up?" I ask than. "Yes"." She gets medicines now"." And we try to lay the cancercells still". He said and i nodd. Hiram stood up. "I am going to find shelby".he said and we nodd. "Can we go see her" blaine asked. "Sorry we are still busy"." Tomorrow you can visit her again".he said and now blaine broke down. While the doctor walked away. I hugged blaine. And rubbed circles aroumd his back. We sat there for awhile like this. Untill his parents came back.

"We are going home"." Are you coming with us blaine?" Shelby asked and blaine nodded and we both stood up. I hugged hiram and shelby and than blaine. "I will be back tomorrow" i say and we said our goodbyes.

When i was in my car i finally broke down and let it all out. It wasn't fear. Rachel was a strong girl. She didn't deserve this. I cried untill my phone rings i took it and i saw it was finn. I called him last week when rachel had the chemo's. Rachel didn't want to call him. So i did. He sounded like a great friend for her. She missed finn, because he was in the army now. I gave finn my number for if he wanted to call and know more about rachel.

F- hey san, how is rach?
S-(crying) (telling him everything)
F-(shocked) omg. (Crying a bit)
Will she get out of the coma?
S- (stops crying) yeah, but they don't know when.
F- i wish i wasn't in the army. I wish i could be there for her too.
S- rachel told me she didn't want you to worry. She is strong finn.
F- i know. I will be back in 6 months and i will fly to new york.
S- she will like that. Take care finn.
F- thank you. Take care of my best friend will you. Although you and i never met. I can hear you love her.
S- yeah, i love her.
F- good, i have to go. Bye
S- bye.

I startes the car and drove home.

When i got home i saw kurt sittinf on the couch he stood up and run towards me and hugged me tight. I started to cry again in his warm embrasse.

"I am so scared". I say between the tears.

"I know you are"." But she will get through this".kurt said while he let me go. He wiped the tears away from my cheek and i give him a weak smile.

"Thank you for being here for me kurt" " you are a amazing friend". I say and kurt smiles.

"I will be there for you" he said and i nodd.

"Go get some sleep"." You look tired"." If you wake up i will have some dinner ready". He said and pushed me to my bedroom.

"I am already going".i say giggling and i walk into my bedroom.

"Have a good sleep". Kurt said and i nodd and close the door behind him.

I lay down in my bed and pull the sheeds over myself. I close my eyes and try to sleep. But all i can see is rachel laying there in coma. I sigh and turn in my bed. I think about something else. I breath in and out slowly and than i relax and fall a sleep.

I hear a knock on the door and i open my eyes and see kurt coming in.

"Sorry to wake you but dinner is ready" he said and i sit up.

"Thank you kurt"." I will be there in a few minutes" i say and he nodds and closes the door behind me. I climb out of the bed and take a shower and get dressed.

I walked to the kitchen and i saw the table was set. "Thanks kurt"." What are we eating?" I say while i sat down and kurt sits down too. "Fresh salade, with chicken and patato's". he said and hamds me the plate with food. "Smells already great" i say and start to eat.

Later that night kurt and i just watch some tv. But all i could think off was rachel. I sigh and kurt looks at me.

"Why don't you call blaine?". Kurt asked me and i nodd. "Yeah, maybe i should do that" i say and stand up and walk to my bedroom and take my phone and call blaine.
B- hey san
S- hey blaine, are you in the hospital?
B- yeah, i just got here. The doctor said her longs are worse. But they try to get it stable with medicine. Rachel didn't got worse though. The doctor said she is a real fighter.
S- i hate the fact her longs are still full of cancer.
B- me too.
S- do they know already when she will wake up?
B- no, they just said it could take a week but it also could take months. Her body has to reset or something.
S- i hope she will wake up soon. Thank you for the update blaine.
B- no problem. I will see you tomorrow.
S- bye
B- bye

I sigh and put the phone a side. I walk back into the livingroom and sit down next to kurt. "Not such good news?" Kurt asks.

"Mwah, just the same"." I wish the doctors could say when she is going to wake up".i say and kurt pulls me close.

We just sit there for awhile kurt holding me while we watch tv futher in silence.

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