chapter 19

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Santana pov.

We are now 6months futher and rachel had her check up at the hospital. The cancer didn't come back. And we are all so happy. I am still very close to rachel her parents they feel like my own parents. They make me feel home at their house.

3 months ago blaine and rachel moved into kurt and my appartement. We are very close with us for. Although rachel doesn't work with me anymore we spend a lot of time together.

She still hates the fact she has to take the airmachine every where with her. But we bought a more pretty bag.

Finn came by last month to visit us and stayed for 2 weeks.

Rachel was over the moon along with kurt when he stood at our frontdoor.

"San,were are you with your mind? " Rachel asked shaking me out of my thought.

I smile up at her and kiss her passionated.

"Think in about the past months" I say and she smiles at me.

"Only good things right?" She asks and I nodd smiling.

"Good" she said and winked at me while she gave me a plate with salade.

"Ohh.. .my favorite salad" I say happy.

"Yep,just for you" she said smiling kissing my forehead.

"What about us?" I hear kurt say while he and blaine walk in the room.

"I have also salad made for you guys".Rachel said.

"I am glad you live with us"." I love your cooking" kurt said and blaine slapped him playfully. "Hey" kurt said and we all laughed.

We all eat rachel her salad in silence. After that we were done we cleaned up and went out with the 4 of us.

"Where are we going?" Rachel asks.

"It is a suprise" I say smiling while kurt drived us four.

"I hate suprises" she said fake pounting and I laugh.

"We will be there in 10minutes" I say and rachel laid her head on my shoulder.

I look at rachel who was fallen a sleep. Blaine turned to me and saw rachel. "She still get tired quickly" he said upset.

"Yeah"." I wish I could make it go all away" I say and blaine nodds.

"I know"."I wish the same". Blaine said. Kurt parken the car at the Airport.

"Do we wake her now?"." Or later?" Kurt asked me.

"I will wait here with her"." Go pick him up"." She will still be suprised when he sees him".I say and kurt and blaine get out and walk inside the Airport.

I feel in my pocket and take the Black box out of it and open it. There it was the engagement ring. I can't wait to make rach my wife. I look at her who was still sleeping I put it back inside my pocket and after 10 minutes I see kurt,blaine and finn walk towards the car. The all get in and finn sits at the other side of Rachel. "Hi" he said wispering. "Hi"." I am so happy you are back for good" I say wispering back and he nodds while we drive away from the Airport.

We drive towards the bracht and I get now very very nerveus. It is almost time. I bite . My lower lip and finn sees it. "She will say yes" he said quietly and I nodd. Kurt parks the car. "Ready?" He asks and I nodd. I get out of the car with blaine and kurt to set up everything and finn will wake up rachel.

Rachel pov.

I wake up by some one shaking me softly. I turn my head And open my eyes and my eyes go big.

"Finn?" I say and hug him tight. I start to cry out of happiness. "I thought you would be in europe for another year" I say and loom at him and he smiles. "No,I quiz the army". He said and I widen my eyes. "What?"." Why?".I ask him. "Because I know now that life is more important"." I am going to move in with all of you"." And I already found a job in military school as a teacher".he said and I hugged him again and he hugged back while I let the tears fall. But than I realise that kurt,blaine and santana are gone.

"Where are the others?" I ask and finn opends the door and get out. He takes my airbag and hands out his hand. I take it and get out of the car.

"You are not going to tell are you?" I say giggling.

"No" he said and I interlock his hand while we walk to a beach.

"I love it" I say soft. The sun is shining beautiful in the water. And than I see kurt and blaine standing at red carpet laying over the sand handig me a rose. Finn lets me go and puts the airbag over my shoulder they all kiss my cheek and I follow the red carpet. I see santana standing there in her beautiful red dressing and also with a rose. I stand still I front of her and she takes my hand and smiles at me.

"Rachel, I love you so much"." After what we all have been through I feel our love is so strong that it can't break"." I promise to love you forever and always"." You are so strong"." And I am glad to call you mine"." You are the most amazing girl I have ever met"." So rachel Barbra berry" she said and bents down on one knee and holds a Black box and opends it. I feel tears of Joy stream down my face.

"Will you marry me and be my wife forever? " She asks. And I nodd.

"Yes" I say happy and santana stands up and put the ring on my finger and we kiss. While we kiss I hear clapping we let go and I turn around to see kurt,blaine and finn standing there. I smile and turn back to santana and we kiss again.

"I love you forever even in bad times" santana said and I nodd.

"Always" I say and we kiss again now more passionated.

"Okay enough love birds" kurt said and santana and I let go and we all laugh and we walk towards them and we all do a grouphug.

"I love you all" I say.

"And we love you" finn said and we stand there all for awhile hugging in a grouphug.

I can't believe I will be soon mrs. Lopez.

I am so happy right now. My life is so beautiful right now.

I never thought I would beat cancer of find the love of my life.

And now finn is coming to live with us too.

Can I ask for a better life?

I really don't think so.

The end

i love you even in bad times. pezberry storyWhere stories live. Discover now