chapter 11

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Santana pov.

Today is rachel her operation.

Rachel and her family are very nervous and so am i. I went home when the nurses brought her to the operation room. I just needed to fresh up myself.

"Hey san, how is rachel?" Kurt asked when i stepped inside the house.

"I wish i could say good"." they are operating her right now"." I wanted to fresh up myself and call puck". I say and sit down next to kurt.

"She will fight for this santana". Kurt said and i nodded.

"I know"." I just got her kurt"." I don't want to lose her" i say and kurt pulls me towards him and i lay my head on his shoulder whole he wraps his arm around me. And than i let all the tears come out from all the 4 days that past by since rachel fell on the ground in the store. Kurt just comfort me without words. And i was thankfull foe that.

A few minutes later i dried my eyes with my sleeve. "Thank you kurt" i say soft. "No problem"." Go get some sleep for a hour"." And than go fresh up".he said and i nodded and stood up and walked towards my room. I took my phone out of my pocket and texted blaine. Hey blaine, i will get some sleep for a hour and fresh up. Than i will be back. Xxx

i got a text back shortly after that.
I am home too. My parents are at the hospital now. The doctors said the operarion will take 3 till for hours. So take your time. See you later.. xxx

I laid my phone a side and took out of my clothes and laid in bed and took my phone again to text puck.
Hey puckermann. I will not be at work for the rest of the week. I am staying with rachel. Till we know more. Xxx

Take your time. My sister helps behind the bar now. So it is okay. I hope she gets better. X puckermann

I smile puck can me nice and carring i told him yesterday over the phone what happend and why i wanted to be with rachel. He totally understood. And he even said he would pay me the times a should have worked. So i have to say i am greatfull for that. I lay my phone a side and close my eyes. And before i know i fall a sleep.

Rachel pov.

I wake up after the surgery and i see i am already back in my hospitalroom. My parents are at my bedside. They see me wake up and i smile.

"Hi" i say with a cracky voice.

"Hello hunny"." How are you feeling?" My mom asks.

"Like they went into my stomach" i say with a smile and my mom and dad laughs. "I am glad you joke around again" my dad said and i nodd when a doctor came in.

"Good you are awake"." I wanted to tell you all how the operation went".he said and came to stand at the end of my bed. "Okay" i say and we all look at him.

"I have bad news and good news" he said and my heart sunk onto the bed.

"What is the bad news?" I say upset.

"I will tell you first the good news rachel"." But that good news means also bad news"." We operate you uterus"." And when we saw it"." It was full of cancer"." We had no other way to get the uterus out"." So that means the cancer around your lower stomach is gone"." And than we looked futher"." The cancer is still in your longs rachel"." We couldn't operate it"." It was to risky"." And... it is spreading in your longs"." You will have some breath problems if you walk or if you talk you will be tired fast". He said and than he went silence and i started to cry. My parents hold my hands but i couldn't take this.

" so that means i am going to die?".i say between the tears.

"No rachel, it means we will need to kick some ass with the chemo"." But that means also you can't go home for awhile"." We will do everything to make the cancer go away" he said and i nodd. "But.. i never can have kids now"." I will never be a mom".i say and i cry again. But because of the crying i can't breath straight. I start to hyperventilate. "I...can't.. b.reath" i say holding my chest. The doctor rushes over to me and takes a mask and puts it over my nose and mouth. "Calm down rachel"." Breath in slowly and let it out slowly".he said and i nodd and do what he said. I feel myself get more calm. "Thank you".i say soft. "You need to calm down"." It is no good for your longs"." You need all your strengh to beat this monster".he said and i nodd with still the mask on.

"I am tired".i say and close my eyes and fall a sleep. Not knowing that when the doctor went out of the room. My mom and dad cried at the side of my bed.

Santana pov.

I came at the hospital and walked up to rachrl her room. I saw blaine and his parents sit around her bed, woth rachel sleeping.

I walk in and give them a smile.

"Hi, how is she?" I ask and sit down next to hiram.

"The operation went good"." They took the uterus out"." So the cancer there is gone"." But they looked at her longs.... and.. it was spreading there... they will start chemo tomorrow".hiram said and i let the news sink in. I am glad they could get the uterus out. But i hate the fact she needs the damn chemo. We hear some heavy breathing and we all look at rachel. Her eyes fluther open. "Hi" rachel said soft amd whem she saw me she smiled. "Hi santana".she said amd i stood up and walked towards her. I laid mynhand on her head and stroke her hair. "We will beat this". I say and kiss her forehead. "I hope so".she said and she closes her eyes and falls a sleep again. I look at shelby. "Is it normal she is on and of with sleeping?" I ask worried. "She is very tired because off her longs"." They work just for 40% the doctor told us".shelby aaid and blaine squeezed her hand while shelby cries a little. "My poor baby"." She doesn't deserve this".she said soft between the tears. "Mom we need to be strong for rachel"." She can fight this". Blaine said. "I know but it is so hard".she said. And than we just sat there futher in slience around her bed waiting for her to wake up again.

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