Chapter 9

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"Just let me love you...
Since the creation of universe...
Everything was destined.."
Serendipity - Jimin (BTS)

*OhmFluke only*

The movie theater at Angelica International Mall is the biggest in the capital. It is a two-stories movie theater within a seven-stories building of the mall. Fluke steps out the elevator and scan his surrounding. Since it's a weekday, the theater is not crowded. He spots Ohm waiting near the ticket booth. Ohm is wearing a blue t-shirt with a white button down shirt outside, both tucked inside his blue jeans. Unintentionally, they are matching. This makes Fluke smiles a little. Right then, Ohm sees Fluke and heads over.

"Hey, Fluke! I almost didn't realize it's you because of the hat and glasses."

"Guess I did good in hiding myself. You already bought the tickets?" Fluke asks after he saw the tickets in Ohm's hand.

"Yeah! Got us good seats. We have 30 minutes before the movie start. Do you want to grab snacks and drinks?"

"Sound good! What do they have here?" Fluke asks as this is his first time going to the movie theater.

"A lot of different things. Let's go read the menu and you can pick." Ohm grabs Fluke's hand and guides him to the menu. They ended up buying a bucket of popcorn and two large milk tea, then head over to the designated room. They are watching Spider-Man Far From Home. Both Marvel fans are excited.

The movie hasn't started yet; but, the room is already dimmed for the commercials. Their seats are a little higher up; so they have to take a few steps of stair up. Ohm managed to hold both his drink and the popcorn bucket in one arm, while he holds onto Fluke's hand in his other hand. He fears that Fluke would trip in the dark room. The funny thing is Fluke actually tripping. Fluke stumbles forward. Thanks to Ohm's fast reflex, he pulls Fluke back toward him. Because the force is big, Fluke's front hits into Ohm's hard back. They are standing so close to each other. Fluke is embarrassed at his clumsiness. He mumbles a small thanks to Ohm. He can only smile and continues to guide Fluke to their seats. Once settled, they enjoy the movie together; whispering into each other's ears here and there during the movie; accidentally touch each other's hands when they reach for the popcorn. Two hours passed while the two people are enjoying their sweet date.

"Oh man! Now I can't wait for the next Marvel phase." Fluke excitedly says when they are heading to the garage.

"Me too! It was a really good movie!" Ohm says.

"Oh there is my car! Where did you park?" Fluke asks when he spots his car, where one of the guard is already waiting. The other two guards are actually walking behind them. Ohm honestly just realized they weren't alone the whole time. Fluke's security guards have done a good job blending in.

"My car is right behind this row." Ohm responds. They have reached Fluke's car. His guard already opened the car door for him. Ohm was about to say how he had enjoyed their date when Fluke speaks first.

"Say Ohm, do you have any plan after this?"

"Uhm, nothing! I'm just going home."

"Do you... uh... can we... spend a little more time together?" Fluke shyly says, more like stuttering. He doesn't want to end their date just yet. He enjoys talking with Ohm. His heart is beating nervously, hoping Ohm would say yes.
Fluke's question surprised Ohm a little; because, Fluke just asked a question that he honestly wanted to ask. He wants to talk more with Fluke, but when he saw the security guards, Ohm was discouraged a little. He wants their conversation to be between them only, like their text messages. If his crush is already asking him to spend more time together; then, he can't disagree. Guess he has to get used to this "security guards within earshot" situation from now on if he wants to chase after Fluke. 

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