Chapter 25

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"Stand by me, look towards me; even though I don't know love yet.
Stand by me, guard over me, because I'm still clumsy at love "
Stand by Me - SHINee

1 year later

Fluke can see his trembling hands from the 3-fold giant mirror that he is currently standing in front of. His face is flushing red due to either excitement or nervousness, he has no idea. Maybe both. Prem, the best designer that he is, is fixing his white wedding tuxedo. That's right! Wedding. After almost 2 years of dating, Fluke and Ohm are finally taking the important step of their relationship, happily ever after. Now, now, this is real life and it won't be all sunshine in their marriage life like in fairytale. However, he is ready to go through hailstorms and hurricanes with his one and only, Ohm, for the rest of his life.       
Fluke had became an event planner, officially. He works as a freelancer, accepting any events. Being a Royal Prince, he has no problem with clients. He is flooded with works from the Royals in court. He was pretty excited when he received the first paycheck from his first work. Fluke was so proud of himself when he bought his boyfriend dinner with his own money. From then on, he decided to save up for his future. His parents were also happy when they saw how mature he had became.

Ohm had been promoted as the Chief Doctor of General Surgery. He became busier than before, trying to save up to buy a new house for his future family. Of course, it was a secret from Fluke. Once he had successfully obtained their dream house. He decorated the empty house into a romantic setting, filled with flower petals, string lights, and tons of their photos. After a romantic dinner date with his lovely boyfriend, he drove them to the new house and proposed to Fluke. The said man screamed in excitement, yelling his YES in eagerness. It was a wonderful night. Fluke's heart skipped a beat when the memory flooded back, causing his face to become redder.

After 2 months of preparation, here he is in the Royal Dressing Room, getting ready for the big moment in less than an hour.

"All good and ready to go!" Prem finally speaks up after he felt satisfied with fixing the tux. He proudly smiles on how good his best friend looks in the clothes he had designed. Call him narcissistic but he is completely confident in his skill. "Aww are you nervous?"

"No, I just drank too much coffee this morning." Despite the turmoil, Fluke still manage to answer sarcastically. "Of course I'm nervous Prem!"

Prem chuckles, "Don't worry! You are looking good. Your man may devour you even before tonig....OW! THAT'S HURT!" Prem yells out his pain, hand clutching on his abused shoulder. Fluke's slap hurts, ok?

"Serve you right! I don't get what Boun see in you."

"My beauty and talent, what else?"

"Don't make me puke before the ceremony." Fluke says while making a puking gesture. Prem returns the gesture by sticking his tongue out.

Despite one person about to get married, the two best friends still teased each other like 5-year-old children.

"All jokes aside, I'm serious that you look good! I'm so happy for you Fluke. Finally, someone who can deal with all your crazy nonsense." Prem received a glare from Fluke. "But, I'm glad that Ohm treat you for who you are, beside your title. I wish you both happiness. If he ever hurts you, I will cut his dick off. However, I doubt he will ever hurt you after seeing how he treasure you like the most precious thing out there. I trust your man. So be happy!!" Prem pulls his best friend into a hug, hiding his happy tears that are about to sliding down his face.

"Aww... don't cry, I will cry too!" Fluke returns the embrace, patting Prem's back. "I will be happy!"

They stay in the embrace for a few seconds then release each other when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Fluke calls out.

The King and Queen walk in, excitement paints their faces. Prem gives his respect to the rulers then quietly leaves the room.

"Look at you son! So handsome for his big day." King Tan speaks, beaming with a proud smile.

The Queen puts her hands on Fluke's face, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs. "My baby is so big now. I still remember you were this small in my hands. Now you are about to get married. Where did the time go?"

"Mommm, I'm not a baby anymore." Fluke pouts cutely. So much for not being a baby.

"You are always my baby, silly. Even if you have gray hairs and walk with a stick, you are forever my baby."

"Dad, save me! Mom is crushing me!" Fluke whines in a cute voice, hoping his father could save him from his mother's embrace.
Yep, definitely still a baby.

King Tan laughs loudly. "Hahaha, honey! I think we should leave the baby now. Earth is waiting to talk to his baby brother." He purposely emphasizes the word, teasing his younger son even more.

"Not you too, dadddd!" The baby whines again.
Seriously, he probably got Ohm around his finger with his baby's act.

King Tan and Queen Alina leave the room to greet the guests outside. Earth walks in right away.

"My baby brother looks handsome!" The Crown Prince exclaims right away.

"OMG stop with that baby word!"

Earth chuckles, "You tell me to stop, but I bet you love it when your soon-to-be husband say it!"

Fluke can only glares back. After all, Earth is right. His heart would beat gazillion times faster in his ribcage whenever Ohm call out any type of endearment.

Earth walks over to his brother then he put a white gardenia flower into Fluke's breast suit pocket, "Congratulation Fluke! I'm really happy for you. My brother finally having his happy ending. I will really miss you. If Ohm ever hurt you or make you cry, come tell me and I will punish him."

"Geez, why everyone wants to punish my husband." Fluke complains but he still grins. He gazes at the white flower in his pocket and feels the love from his family. Honestly, he is sad too. After today, he won't live in the palace anymore. Although, there are many rules and expectations within these walls; but, it is still his home. The home he grew up in, the home he played hide and seek with his brother, the home he shared his day with his family at the dinner table. He will miss every memories here.

"I will miss you too, Earth!" Fluke takes the last step between him and his brother to pulls Earth into a hug. He tries not to cry but he couldn't help it.

"Don't cry! You should not cry on your wedding day. Gotta smile and be happy, Fluke!" Earth pats his brother's back, trying to soothe him.

After a few minutes, they finally released each other.

"I will call the makeup artist in to fix you up. We can't have Ohm run away seeing your ugly tear strained face."


"Ok! Ok! I won't tease you anymore. Let's me get out so you can finish getting ready. It's almost time now." Earth leaves the room to get Prem and the makeup artist.

"Be happy for me too, Fluke!" He mumbles under his breath.
A/N: Who is ready for the wedding next week????? 🙋‍♀️
Love you guys always~😘😘

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