2. An End and Beginning

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Red took Natalia into his arms as she collapsed. Even as his bulky frame rapidly climbed the tower's stairs, she felt surprisingly secure without his using the guide rope. Natalia had not thought the rough-looking man could possess such grace and speed. Her mind was muddled. She couldn't remember what her friend looked like; only his ruddy cheeks and black hair stood out. Why was he called Red? Perhaps it was the cheeks. Natalia's exhausted mind tried to think about the shape of his nose or eyes, but she could only barely remember the color.

Red remained silent until they left the tower. Natalia only noticed the absence of his usual chatter when he spoke again in a much deeper and more formal tone than she was used to him using.

"Priestess," Natalia's eyes opened at the title and were met with concern and compassion from his muddy brown ones. Brown, they were brown, such an indistinct color that Natalia suspected she would forget it again when she closed her own. "Are you well?"

"I am whole. Tis done." Natalia's tongue slipped over the formal dialect she had learned in the temple. Red had called her priestess. For a moment, she remembered the pride of her position, one she rarely felt. How he looked at her made her feel that pride, enough that she felt embarrassed to be held like a toy in his arms. Natalia moved to leave his grasp, but she had drained too much power and instead allowed the pride to fade away again. Her days as a priestess were few, and as a prisoner long, there was no pride in her role as a prisoner. A shot of guilt hit her, the reality of her deed. Natalia closed her eyes again, hiding from her shame as she announced her devious act. "I have caged him. He will do no man harm now."

Red sighed softly at her words but did not say anything. Natalia felt her body shift as he placed her into the saddle of a waiting horse. Before she could voice any confusion, Red mounted behind her, surprising her again with his agility. How could he take up so little room behind her? How did her head lay back on his chest? Should he not have been shorter than her? How many months had she known the soldier called Red? Had he always been taller than her?

In truth, Natalia feared less for what lay ahead than the task she had just completed. Everything could have crashed down around her at any point during her training or cage-building. She would have been unable to do this final thing for her former lover.

Sadness washed over her as she thought of the joy Lukas had once represented. Natalia was glad for Red's seeming haste. She did not want to watch the soldiers play with the defenseless titan. Despite all they had been through, Natalia had left Lukas helpless in his enemy's hands.

"Priestess," Red murmured as Natalia drifted into a light sleep. "There has been a change of plans." His gentle, formal tones should have confused her more, but she was past caring. Then a new thought emerged. Perhaps Red would kill her. He would, at least, be kind about it.

"You have been summoned to the temple," He continued, interrupting her musings. His words were a surprise; killing her in the temple would be more challenging. A priestess, even a weak and abandoned one such as her, was more potent in her temple. "I will bring you there now."

Natalia did not open her eyes as Red kicked the horse into motion. Her mind was tired of trying to put together the puzzle Red laid before her and instead allowed herself to sleep. Since she had heard of Lukas' capture, Natalia had prepared for the inevitable conclusion. She had worked hard to plant the seed in every master's mind. It was her time to die, and Natalia was ready. She was so tired of her life.


"Raja, you must find her!" Desperate yelling in his Mindspace woke Raja from his sleep. Though, in truth, his sleep had been fitful since Lukas had left. The mission had gone wrong; something had happened to Lukas. Especially so in the last several days when only the bond connection's persistence assured Raja that Lukas was alive. Days without hearing anything, and now a piercing scream ripped through his head. Raja had never heard Lukas raise his voice in the Mindspace, nor had he ever sounded so scared.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now