_.|Chapter Five|._

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"Shut up he did not."

Reese and Virgil were sitting at their table in the cafeteria on their lunch period. Virgil took another bite into his sandwich and nodded furiously.

"I'm serious. This kid pulled up to Patton's house at midnight. Rely and I wanted to stake out for them anyway but Remy's just been stressed doing this whole thing with Emile being student director. So obviously I was going to hang with him on my front steps. Just the fact was that Patton and Logan went on an unofficial date." Virgil explained. Reese looked at him with wide eyes.

"What did Patton do when he got out of the car?" She asked. Virgil shrugged.

"He didn't kiss him, but there was a moment where I believe his arm tensed up a bit with a hand squeeze." He said. Reese raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know that?" Reese asked.

"I play the drums, I know when arms tighten and loosen as much as his to turn on the sound board in the tech booth." He said in a sarcastic manner. Reese smirked over to him, taking a final smug sip from her chocolate milk carton.

"Let's get out of here," She said. "I wanna skip the horrific rush today."

Virgil and Reese cleaned up five minutes early that day for lunch, in the process, they rushed past Patton and Logan, who were sharing notes for rehearsal later that day between them hurriedly with their crunched time. Logan was half shoving a sandwich in his mouth while Patton quickly copied down the last of his notes.

"I like to get the big picture out of the way, the littlest of things I know we both pick up but I forget how close we are to the show." Patton explained. His lunch was already packed up and thrown away. Logan nodded, chewing his food at a slower pace than his haste from before.

"Understandable" He said after a large swallow. Patton smiled brightly to the boy.

"We have Chemistry right now, correct?" Patton asked. Logan took his clipboard back and threw it into his backpack, nodding a 'yes.'

"Wanna Walk together?" Patton asked quietly. Logan blushed, it felt like the whole room hushed when in reality it only got louder.

"O-Of course." He said. It was Patton's turn to blush has he stood up simultaneously with Logan. The two made their way through the cafeteria door as the bell rang right above them, causing Patton to flinch at the sound, leaning into Logan as they walked. Logan instinctively wrapped an arm around him, and it took them both until the end of the ringing bell to realize what had happened.

"Are you all right?" Logan asked, lifting his arm up from his grasp around the shorter boy.

"Y-yeah, I always forget that bell is right there." He said. Logan chuckled.

"I frequently forget as well. Chemistry is this way." Logan said, pointing to their right up a flight of stairs. Patton's cheeks deepened in their hue of red as they waked in tense silence to the lab.

Logan ran over to the door, pulling it open to hold for Patton to walk in through. Patton continued to blush as he held his books tightly against his chest.

"Thank you Log." He said. Logan smiled confidently.

"Anytime, Pat," He said. The two walked in as Eric and Tess looked on from afar.

"No way,"

"No way,"

They smiled to one another as they were let into their Geometry class. They took their seats close to the back, cemented brick wall. Eric took out his phone and texted Remy, Tess looked over his shoulder at his screen.

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