13. Interference

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"What is it?" The Prince leaned on one arm and looked at Paulo, who had jumped from the bed.

"An Elemental," Paulo explained as he threw on a robe. "Stay here."

"Like hell, I've never seen an Elemental storm before." Theodore rose and put on his robe. He followed Paulo into the hallway, where Lucia met them, looking as distressed as he had ever seen her.

"Master?" She queried lightly, her hands moving quickly before her. "I do not feel the Lady yet."

"This is not of the Lady's doing. It is-"

"Master Paulo!" Halen's harsh voice interrupted him. "You promised!"

"And I have kept my word. This is not my doing. I am not an Air Adept, and this is a Wind Storm. I know better to go beyond my ability, Halen." Paulo's voice held the authority that it should, silencing the old Water Mage. "I could call the Lady, but I do not know if she could fight against the storm. Where is your Air Mage?"

"Here." Reana staggered in the hallway behind Theodore with her yellow hair wild from sleep and only a nightgown covering her ample body. "I am no adept, but I felt the Air Elemental; he is excited but not angry. I do not know what has happened. "

"I have an idea," Paulo declared, then turned back to Halen. "Water Mages, do what you can to keep the waters calm. I will join you if needed, but I suspect my Air Magic will be more helpful." Halen nodded and disappeared with Lucia at his heels.

"Reana, you come with me. If you are closer to the source, we can join our powers to try and calm the excited Elemental." The Air Mage nodded, glanced down at her bedclothes, and blushed. Theodore took off his outer robe and put it on her.

"They've all seen me naked before," he teased, but she still hesitated as he held his robe insistently at her. The moment could have remained awkward, but Theodore impatiently draped it over her shoulders. Reana accepted the gift and looked at him gratefully. Paulo threw Theodore a distracted smile and pulled the timid Air Mage with him.

"What level are you?" Reena asked as they ran.

"In your terms, I am a master class Air Mage," Paulo responded distractedly. "I feel you are closer to an Air adept."

He stopped as they reached the edge of the hall and grabbed the doorframe for support as the ship lurched from side to side. The wind launched the water into huge waves with its force. Fortune's Friend rode on the crest of one wave before another splashed down on the deck. This was the Air Elemental's handiwork. It made Paulo nervous that none on this ship could call the Air Elemental, yet he was here.

"I trained with an adept but cannot summon or subdue the Air Elemental." Reena continued, pulling Paulo back to the task at hand. Paulo could feel her gathering her magic. She was a strong master class Air Mage. Pity, she had not chosen to become an Air Master.

"Well, maybe tonight you will." He pulled her through the door and looked for the source of the Elemental Storm.


When Natalia first left the hold and entered the main deck, it was empty. She knew some had to be awake to keep the ship afloat, but she couldn't see them. It was perfect. Natalia wanted to be alone, to pretend she was the only one in the world: no Lukas, no Raja, no priestesses, and no Queen. Nothing, no one, no emotions; she wanted to find detachment in which she had found such comfort for all these years.

What did her heart want from this strange dark man? Raja was nothing like Lukas. And worse, he had stolen Lukas from her! Her anger grew. Why had he kissed her that way, and why had she kissed him back? What was it that stopped them both? There had been so much longing and passion in her before they kissed, then nothing.

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