14. In Motion

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So much pain. Tian could feel Lukas' agony through the channel she created to monitor his safety. She was well enough trained to block herself from the actual pain, but his suffering was hard to endure. The punishers did not always have a watcher with them while they worked, and many watchers could not have handled this intensive torment. But she was the Watcher, and Masou had almost mortally harmed the Queen's precious prisoner earlier, so the monarch ordered Tian to stay and monitor his health. Knowing this man's importance in all the plans against the Queen's empire-building, Tian wanted to stop his torture. What good would a damaged Lukas be to the Council? But she had to be careful.

Suddenly, pain pierced her mind, and only years of training kept her from staggering. Immediately she threw up a more durable shield and followed the line of the pain. It came from Lukas. Some of his power had leaked out and followed her channel. It should have been impossible; the Queen's Mind Masters had specially trained the cage builder for this. It was supposed to have been perfect, but there was a defect.

The severe pain had forced him to send out a bombardment of energy from his mind. She stopped herself from smiling. This was not the effect the Queen had hoped for when she let her Punisher have at the resistant prisoner. Tian pulled delicately on the web around the defect, making it a bit larger. More, and it would be noticed by those who watched her. But Lukas should find it if he regained his senses.

The plan was in motion; she would talk to her sister. It was time to prepare the children for an abrupt departure. The portal was near the hunting lodge. Nita could bring them there to wait for her.

The Queen would pay for her arrogance and lust. Unfortunately, of anyone in the Castle, the Queen was most likely to survive Lukas' assault. No one had the protections she had, but Lukas, fully awake and free, would cause significant damage. Finally, Tian would be rid of this place, return home, and complete her task.

Another scream drew her attention. What was Masou doing now? If he killed Lukas, not only would the Queen kill him, but all their plans would be for nothing. Her death was of little consequence, but Lukas' loss would mean the end of everything. Tian felt Lukas slipping towards madness and immediately pushed him into unconsciousness.

"What have you done?" Masou seethed at her, but he knew not to touch a watcher, especially not the Watcher, just as she knew not to provoke the Punisher, especially when he was angry.

Tian bowed until she felt his anger curb. "I am sorry, Masou, to interrupt your task, but you may not have noticed our captive's weakened state. I felt him close to real harm and had orders to prevent permanent damage."

Masou must realize the danger; he nearly broke Lukas' mind. Lukas lived, but the Queen would punish them both for letting it go too far. Tian hoped Masou would take most of the blame. Yet, perhaps her distraction would be a good thing. To save Lukas's mind, the Queen would have to call her most effective healer to him. It would have to be Destan. The Queen trusted him, but so did Tian.

"Of course, he is much weaker than my last meeting with him. I gauged my punishments wrong." He laid a quick hand on her head, accepting her apology and releasing her from her bow.

"I must protect the Queen's prize." Tian straightened, then walked with Masou out, signaling the healer to come in and tend to Lukas. He would know that Lukas was too damaged for his touch, and Destan would be called. He would safely hide the fault in the cage from the Queen. It would likely be a few days before Lukas was strong enough to take advantage of it. This would give her enough time.

When Lukas escaped, the last piece would be in play.


Raja wrapped his arms around Natalia's shoulders as she shivered in the evening air. To others around them, they looked like a couple coming into their own. And in some senses, they were. But, watching from his seat on the upper deck, Theodore felt the embrace lacked something.

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