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Its already 2017. We've won awards and completed our first album. Not only completed it but , released it. The cncowners love it and are going crazy. We are also currently on our first ever tour. Everything still feels so surreal but , I couldn't be happier.



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zabdieldejesus haciendo lo que más amo❤️

christopherbvelezm dale papi🔥

cncowner2015_ TE AMO!

Now just because we're on tour doesn't mean we're just performing and that's it. No , we make music anywhere as well as record.

" So we have a remix of a song we want you guys to record so we can put it out as soon as we can."

" Cool , what song ?" Richard asked

" Todo Cambio , Becky G."

Wait , she released another song?This is already her third single.

" when will we start ?" Joel asked

" Tomorrow , we'll head to any studio."

We all nodded in agreement. That night we all listened to the song to get the vibes and feels. This song was more about falling in love and everything changing.

Could this song be about me too ?

As scheduled we were in the studio. We listened to the song a couple of times. I actually really liked the song , it was a cute one. I was proud of la nena.

As the song played I couldn't help but sing along. Last night I had heard the song so much , I knew the words.

" Diablo , your voices sound good together." Richard said and the guys nodded.

If only they knew.

After listening we decided to begin. I was up first , I'm starting off the song.

Te miraba con ganas de tocar tu piel
Me acercaba, sabía que te iba a conocer
Me dejé llevar poco a poco y no lo pensé
Y que sorpresa me llevé, una noche loca que nunca olvidaré

[I looked at you wanting to touch your skin
I was approaching, I knew that I would know you
I let myself go little by little and I didn't think about it
And what a surprise I got, a crazy night that I will never forget]

I sang , which brought back memories. I looked out the window and the guys were giving me thumbs up meaning that they liked it.  Once I was done , I listened to the other guys. The remix was going to be good.

And just like that a few weeks later it was released. The cncowners and beasters were reacting to it. Luckily we didn't have to make a video for this song. As I was scrolling through social media , which I rarely do. Her name popped up on my phone. It made my stomach catch butterflies.

Hola Zabdiel , espero que todo esté bien. I just wanted to thank you guys for the remix , it was great. I'm absolutely in love with it more than the original😂.  The guys seem type cool , I guess ( from when I ran into ya ). Anyway , thank you. 

Of course , she didn't like the guys. But , she barely knows them.

Si , todo está bien. You're welcome

No  everything is not okay.  I miss you

Months later her single Mayores with Bad Bunny was released and so was Hey DJ.

Tú eres adictiva, pero tóxica

Time is going by fast , both the guys and Becky are growing. Peep Zabdiel changed her contact name.

A little spoiler : They may or may not encounter each other. Who's POV do you want ... Zabdiel or Rebbeca?

As always thanks for reading and voting
xoxo CNCOx5

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