Chapter 7

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Before I know it there's a knock on the door. My heart leaps just as I do when I rush to the front door. I open it and I see her. Her beautiful smile, her beautiful eyes, her beautiful face. Everything about her is beautiful.

"Hey," she says softly. My heart skips a beat at her voice.

"Come in," I say, opening the door wider and moving in slightly so she can come in. She walks past me, her body brushing past mine as she walks past. I close the door slowly and turn around to face her.

"Thank you, Peeta," she says as she walks over to me rubbing her hand down my arm.

"For what," I reply. I feel my cheeks start to show a small blush as her hand travels further down my arm.

I think she noticed my little blush because she moved her hand from my arm completely.

"For inviting me over," my eyes rise up and look deep into hers as she smiles at me.

"Oh, that's no problem; can I take your coat?" I ask, gesturing my hand out to take her coat.

"You don't need to be polite Peeta, it's only me." She says.

We both start to laugh as she walks over and put's her coat on the side of the chair.

We walk over to the kitchen and she takes a seat in a chair while I walk to the counter where the kettle is and  flick the button, indicating the kettles boiling.

I grab two cups and place a tea bag into each one.

That's when the phone starts to ring.

"Oh Katniss, could you finish making the tea while I get the phone please?" I say rushing over to the phone.

"Of course I can," she replies, she gets up out of her chair and walks over to the kitchen counter I was just at.

I pick up the phone answering.

Me: Hello? Peeta speaking, how can I help?

Person: Oh Peeta, how wonderful it is to hear your voice, it's Effie.

Me: Hey Effie, can I help?

Effie: Yes, there are a few things I need to speak to you about.

Me: Could you ring back later I'm with Katniss right now?

Effie: Of course, you get her boy!

I take a moment from the phone and look over to Katniss who is holding the sugar pot.

"Katniss I-I," she cuts me off.

"I know you don't take sugar in your tea."

This puts a small smile on my face, she didn't forget.

I return back to the phone call only to find the line has gone dead.

I put the phone down and walk over to where Katniss is pouring the kettle boiled water into our cups.

I take a seat by the table and smile as she sets my tea down in front of me.

"Thank you," I say as she takes a seat across from me.

"So, how've you been Peeta?" She asks.

"A little off edge lately you know with everything that's happened and all, what about you Katniss? How have you been?"

"I've been terrible, the nightmares keep getting worse and I don't know what to do."

"Your boyfriend doesn't comfort you?"

She looks at me amazed by what has come out of my mouth.

"B-boyfriend?" She stutters.

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