Acts of War

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A/N hey, so this story is going to start out slow for the first two chapters. After relaying what happened shortly after declaring war, stuff gets interesting. So please don't feel discouraged by the lack of new stuff in the first two chapters. Third chapter is where stuff gets interesting. Thank you for reading!


"You've started a war you don't know how to end."

Clarke felt a mix of shock and confusion. They had never meant to start a war. They hadn't been aware that there were other civilized people surviving on the ground. 

"What? No, we didn't start anything. You attacked us for no reason." The blonde lightly shook her head.

"No reason?" Anya seemed more than just annoyed. "The missiles you launched burned a village to the ground."

Clarke's face twisted slightly in confusion before she spoke again: "The flares? No," she paused, "That was a signal meant for our families. We had no idea—"

"You're invaders," Anya spoke, abruptly cutting Clarke off. "Your ship landed in our territory."

"We didn't know anyone was here." Clarke knew her words were true and hoped that Anya would at least sense the sincerity. "We thought the ground was uninhabited."

"You knew we were here when you sent an armed raiding party to capture one of us and torture him." Anya's tone was sharp.

Clarke glanced down at the ground. She knew that capturing Lincoln was a bad idea. She had just hoped it wouldn't put a rift between them and the rest of the grounders. Who knew how deadly that could be.

"These are all acts of war."

"I see your point," Clarke responded. If she couldn't argue against her logic, she may as well try to appeal to it to gain the favor of the grounder before her.

Anya looked at her. Clarke couldn't read of the expression was shock, respect, or sympathy.

"That's why we need to put an end to all of this," Clarke said in response to Anya's look.

Like a switch, the interaction seemed to shift. The accusing ceased and instead Anya moved into the direction of discussing a truce. "Lincoln said there are more of you coming down. Warriors." 

"The guard. Yes." Anxiety laces Clarke's tone. "But also farmers, doctors, engineers. We can help each other. But not if we're at war."

Anya seemed interested. "Can you promise that these new arrivals won't attack us? That they'll respect the terms that you and I agree on?"

Clarke chose honesty. "I promise I will do everything I can to convince them to honor the terms that we settle on."

Anya's expression shifted. Honesty was not the best policy. "Why would I agree to an alliance that your people can break the moment they get here?" Anya ridiculed her. It did sound ridiculous, but it was the best they could do.

"If you fire the first shot, those people won't bother negotiating. Our technology? They will wipe you out." It might not have been the best argument, but it would have to do. She could only pray that the grounder did not read this a threat.

"They wouldn't be the first to try."

Clarke has messed up.

The tension around them thickened. Clarke's face fell as she realized her failure. Now she could only hope that her people would not be killed for it.

Commotion erupted from below. "Clarke, run!" Month screamed before raising his rifle and firing bullet after bullet. They collided with grounder flesh. Bodies collapsed from the trees. They were all armed. They had been sent to kill Clarke if the truce was not made. All chaos broke loose in a crossfire of arrows and bullets. They whizzed past and more bodies fell.

The group quickly fled but not before an arrow found its way to Lincoln's chest. Luckily, it did not hit his heart, but it still could've hit another vital organ or artery. There wasn't time for them to check. Lincoln urged them to leave and insisted on staying behind.

Clarke and the others rushed back to camp. They sprinted through the gate and hollered for it to be shut.

It was clearer than ever that the grounders wanted nothing more than the slaughtering of the Sky People. Her people stood gathered around her. The only sound was the occasional shuffle of feet and the shaky sigh that Clarke released.

"The grounders have declared war."

With that statement, chaos broke out. Some responded with anger and an outburst of curses and hollering. Others cried in panic and hopelessness. But a few like Clarke stood in dread-filled silence.

"Silence!" The yell was harsh and filled with fury. Bellamy made his way to the bridge of the drop ship and stood tall as if it were a stage. "We are at war. There are 84 of us and possibly hundreds or thousands of them." The word was laced with venom. "We don't stand a chance. But we are going to try because we have no where else to go and no one to help us. We are the 100. We will fight."

The crowd began to roar. They were ready. The group threw their arms to the sky and roared with anticipation, anger, and determination. Clarke stood for a second. If they were going to die, they were going to do it together. They would be unified. They were the 100 and they were stuck with each other. She then inhaled and released her own war cry.

She made her way up to the drop ship with Bellamy. She looked out at her people and it didn't take long for them to quiet down. The blonde then raised her voice and barked out several orders. She dictates who went to which post and who got guns. She said that no one was to have more than two rations a day until it was safe to go hunt and gather again. "We are the 100 and we will die together or rise from the ashes," she hollered her last encouragement before the crowd dispersed and quickly got to work.

She made her way inside the drop ship to the table where Raven had managed to work her magic and build a radio. The mechanic sat in front of it in her red bomber jacket. Clarke sighed and lowered herself to sit on the floor with her back against the wall.

"Do you know that we are sitting on top of a whole bomb as we speak?"

Clarke started in confusion at the girl before her. Had Raven found another jobi nut or possibly gone mad from the stress?

Raven could see this in the other girl and decided to make her mind work a bit. "What are we in right now?"

"The drop ship?"

"Yes. And how did it get here?"

"It was launched from the Ark..."

"And what do you need to launch things as big as a drop ship?"

Clarke's face slowly lifted. She unknit her brows and looked up to meet Raven's eyes. Her mouth slowly slid itself into a smile.

"Raven you genius," Clarke exclaimed in disbelief.

"Rocket fuel." The brunette smirked up at her leader and friend. "All is going to need from you is a decent amount of gunpowder and something to contain them in. Then, we make that bridge go boom."

Clarke thought for a second. "Are you sure? That bridge has survived a nuclear fall out and 97 years of weather."

"It won't survive me. I can make it go boom." Raven's smirk spread further until it consumed her whole face and body too.

Clarke left and relaid the plan to Bellamy who was skeptical but in the end supported the decision. The two came back to Raven with a glass jar and a bucket half full of gun powder.

Clarke carefully but firmly placed them on the desk in front of the mechanic. "Let's blow that bridge."

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