The Bridge

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The next morning came too soon. The brightness of the sun cane piercing through the thin material of the tent and assaulted Clarke's tired eyes. She blinked to acclimate to the light and gently rubbed her eyes to free herself from the glassy film clouding her vision. When satisfied with that, she sat up.

The day was starting and she wasn't ready for it to. She had spent most of the last night stressing over 'what ifs' and whatever else her anxiety demanded. She felt the stress twisting in her stomach and almost didn't want to go get her breakfast ration. But, she knew that she would need it, whether she was hungry or not. She knew she had to eat and do everything else she normally would. She almost scoffed at the idea of this being her new normal.

She made her way to the second floor of the drop ship first where she piled up more bodies and checked on those who were still fighting through the illness. Raven's condition was worse and that was the most alarming of all of the cases. They needed her to be better. Clarke knew that. So did Raven, and now Octavia too. But she also couldn't tell Raven to go out there while sick. It would very likely result in the mechanic's death.

It wasn't until later that she was able to settle back into a routine of sorts. As the sun began to lay low in the sky, her worry intensified. They were running out of time. They had only a day and a few hours more until the Grounder army would be marching over that bridge and straight to their pestilence filled camp. They needed time and time was running out.

Needless to say that she didn't sleep much. The next day, a boy had decided that Octavia was being too bitchy and had in turn placed too much firewood in the hut where she had been drying out meat and storing their food. The whole thing went up in flames. Clarke had no choice but to send Finn out to hunt. He knew how to track and could do well on his own. But, he never returned.

Even after finding out that she had been the other woman, Clarke still cared about Finn. She just promised herself that she wouldn't be with him, even if he was single now. Partially out of respect for Raven, and partially because she felt it would be disrespecting herself. Regardless, his absence bothered her more than she would like to admit.

Raven was still sick and the bomb was still sitting on her desk where it had been since she had fallen ill. Everything was falling apart and there seemed to be nothing Clarke could do to stop it or make it better.

Clarke made her way into the drop ship where she sat on the lower floor by herself. She sat in front of the bomb and looked at it with her head in her hands. She brought her hands up and laced her fingers through her hair. She brought them into fists and tugged on her blonde locks as she let out a growl of frustration. Before she knew it, a tear slid down her cheek and before she knew it, she had a fountain of saltiness dripping from her cheeks and down onto the desk in front of her.

She still hadn't figured out who to send to shoot the bomb. Raven was their best shot. The person would have to be a good distance away to avoid getting hurt. Raven was the only one there that had good enough aim to pull it off and Clarke wasn't about to send someone on a suicide mission or a fuck-up shot that would waste all of their ammunition and very likely allow the Grounders to claim another prisoner before the battle even begun.

Upstairs, Raven sat up in her hammock and tried to fight against the pain throbbing in her head. Her vision felt blurry and she was more dizzy than she had ever been. In other words, she felt like shit. She probably looked like it too.

But this piece-of-shit-feeling mechanic wasn't going to let that stop her. She knew that she had to be the one to detonate the bomb. She also wouldn't trust anyone else with such an important task. It didn't matter if she was sick or possibly in danger, she would do it because she knew she had to.

Raven stood up and took her first few wobbly steps before getting used to the way that her vision unpredictably slurred and swayed. She then made her way to the trap door to the first floor. She tried to carefully open the hatch and succeeded after nearly wiping out a few times. She made it half way down the ladder almost silently before she saw one sad Clarke Griffin quietly crying at the desk. Her hand were in her hair and she was staring down into the desk.

Raven decided that now was not the time to take the bomb and leave. She would be caught and stopped for sure. So Raven made her way up the ladder where she sat at the top. She pulled her legs up and sat inches away from the opening of the trap door and listened for any sounds of Clarke's departure.

It wasn't too long before she could feel herself drowsy. The mechanic figured it was well after dark and that the blonde leader would be leaving soon. And as Raven had predicted, Clarke stood from her spot at the desk and began making her way towards the ladder. Raven stood and wobbled over to the hammock where she laid down once more and mocked sleep. She could feel Clarke's hand against her forehead checking her temperature. She could hear the switch in her breathing and could almost envision the worry in those blue eyes

Clarke was gone quickly enough. Raven sat herself up on the hammock and began her trek to the ladder. She tripped over her own foot and planted into the ground. It would've embarrassed her if she weren't sick and also on a very serious mission. She got back to her feet and made her way down the ladder. A few eyes of the half awake followed her, but no one uttered a word. They had very likely disregarded it entirely by the time the mechanic had completed her journey down to the first floor of the drop ship.

She made her way over to the bomb and grabbed it off the table. Raven knew how explosive this tuff was and was just a little more than worried about what could happen with her carrying it all the way to the bridge while running a pretty high fever that was making her feel a little woozy.

Raven grabbed a gun off the wall and threw the strap over her shoulder before setting off to the bridge. She was ready to make it go boom.

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