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A/N so I had a hard time uploading some of the chapters cause I tried to do it offline like the clown I am. So apologies and from now on, I will be sure to upload in order. I'm still new to publishing chronological stuff on wattpad.


It had been days since Clarke and Raven had seen the Commander. It had been days since they had been given any water or food. The first few hours had been spent yelling and calling out for the Commander to please come back and to be merciful. Their calls were seemingly never heard.

It was dark out and Clarke's mind was fuzzy. She had been worried about her people, but now she was chained on the floor, starving and dehydrated. The longer she was there, the closer the Commander's army was to laying waste to her people. The first few hours, her and Raven had struggled together to try and escape. She and the mechanic had rubbed their wrists raw from struggling against the chains they had been bound with. The post in the ground wouldn't budge and all hopes for an escape seemed lost.

Her lips were cracking and her throat was burning. The blonde kept licking at the roof of her mouth, desperate for any moisture to surface. Her stomach felt uneasy and her

So now, Clarke laid facing the entrance to the tent, but she dare not move. She knew better than to waste energy in this condition. She was so out of it that she almost didn't believe the flaps to the tent were actually opening. She tried her best to focus on the figure entering the room, but found it too hard. Her whole body ached and she tried lifting her head only to raise a few centimeters before dropping limp on the ground again. She tried to fight it, but her body succumbed to unconsciousness. Her last thought being that she was ready for death to take her.


Lexa was still hesitating to have her armies march on the Skaikru. She didn't know enough about the people coming down. If these were just their juvenile delinquents, then she was concerned by the possible damage that the adults and people in power could do. But above that, they could be much more organized than the youth had proven to be. Either way, it was time to check on her prisoners.


"Have they had any water at all?"

The guards looked nervous. "You said that no one was to be in the tent other than yourself, Heda."

Lexa remembered now. She had been too busy dealing with her ambassadors and their demands to march on Skaikru immediately to pay a visit to be sure that the prisoners were being taken care of. She and her people may have a brutal way of life, but they were above depriving these girls of water and food. On top of that, they had to be alive to teach the clans their ways.

"Fetch me some water. Now," Lexa snapped. The guards quickly shuffled away from their positions and were back momentarily with wooden bowls filled with drinking water. The Commander grabbed the bowls one at a time, placing them in the floor before the girls. The brunette took the bowl quickly and began guzzling down every last drop. It was the blonde, Clarke, who didn't move at all at the sight of the water.

"Clarke." The Commander tried alerting the girl but to no avail. She then moved closer and saw the peaceful expression dampening the distress Lexa had expected to see on her.

"She passed out. She hasn't moved at all for about a day now," Raven spoke up. She held the empty bowl in her hand.

"Shit," Lexa swore. She moved to the blonde and checked her pulse on her neck and was relieved that she was still alive. She tried to shake the blonde awake. Her eyes fluttered open briefly before shutting to conceal their brilliant blue again.

We Are What We Are (Clexa Medic Prisoner AU)Where stories live. Discover now