A Busy Woman

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"President Wallace? This is Bellamy Blake. I'm calling in for President Wallace. This is Bellamy Blake." Still no response. "This is Bellamy Bla—"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Blake." Dante greeted him. "How may I help you?"

"Good afternoon Mr. President. My camp was just sent a letter from the Commander regarding a possible cease fire." He sighed. "I obviously declined, but I think I'll be needing your assistance soon to be sure my people aren't wiped out by their armies."

"If you run, they will only find your people elsewhere. I have seen their ways. They are savages who want nothing but violence. Join my people in the Mountain. You will be safe there."

Bellamy sighed. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. "How do we get there?"

Dante laughed. "Don't worry about it. We'll come to get you."

Bellamy didn't know how to respond. He had no option other than to trust Mount Weather. "Yes sir." He released the radio button.


Raven followed Anya to the weaponry where blacksmiths were hammering away at blades and artisans were busy stringing bows and heading spears. It smelled of saw dust and molten iron. Within seconds of being inside, Raven's skin was forming beads of sweat. She looked at the big burly Grounder man as he slammed his hammer down onto the heated iron again. She looked at the young boy who was busy fastening a strip of rawhide to a beautiful patterned bow and then over to woman working diligently on cutting apart pieces of a deer hide.

"So, are all bows made with patterns?"

Anya took a finished bow off a table. "Most are. Each bow is unique. That's why it's important to train with a variety and recognize which will appeal to your strengths." She set the bow aside before picking up a blade from the same table.

"A sword. Those hadn't been used for ages. We only ever heard about them in fairy tales or ancient wars." She reached out to touch one before Anya swat her hand away.

"You don't know how to use it."

"Then teach me."

Anya met her with a questioning gaze. "I cannot right now, but I can ask Heda if you may be granted training."

Raven released a huff of air. "You're no fun."

"I'm not here for fun," Anya chuckled.

"Did you just laugh?"

"No. Not exactly."

Raven smirked. "I think you just did."

Anya turned to set the blade back down. "Do you have anymore questions?"

Raven sobered herself, but her smile still left its trace on her lips and eyes. "Nope."

"Then we will be off to go look at the training grounds. It's where our children learn and where you most likely will if you are granted training."

"So I can't do anything today?" Raven tried her luck.





Clarke rolled over to get away from the noise.

"Clarke. We leave in an hour. I advise you get up now and get ready."

"Why do you do everything so early?" Clarke groaned in response.

"Because I am a busy woman. Get up."

Clarke rolled over and looked up at the green eyes looking down at her. She sighed and sat up.

"Good. Now I will be packing up my stuff. I expect you to get dressed and ready to go. Make sure you bring your med kit with you."

"Aye aye captain."


"It's a joke. Never mind." Clarke stood up and re fastened her chest binding before pulling on her outer furs. She double checked that her med kit had all its contents in their proper places before packing it back up and sitting back on the couch. She folded the furs from her seat. "See that? I was done in less than 10 minutes. Was it really necessary to get up that early?"

"Clarke," Lexa challenged her.

"Yeah?" Clarke said, taking the bait.

"You're up now. So what's the point in an I-told-you-so?" She faced the blonde who wasn't even the smallest bit put off by Lexa's tone. It was surprising to her as always. Clarke wasn't afraid of her and she also didn't look up to her the way the clans did.

"Because I told you so," Clarke smirked.

Lexa scoffed at her and turned away to hide the smile tugging at her lips. She finished packing up the contents of her desk and nightstand and had a guard come in to carry her and Clarke's belongings to their steeds. She walked with Clarke to the horses.

"Do you remember how to mount?"

"Yeah I'm good," Clarke said placing her foot in the stirrup. She pushed off. The horse began to slowly walk off and Clarke fell to the ground again.

"Guards. Help her."

"I can figure it out."

"We don't have time for you to figure it out."

Clarke sighed and accepted her help, getting on the horse much more smoothly.

The guards mounted after her and Lexa watched them adjust before speaking again. "Is everyone ready to depart?"

The guards and Clarke all confirmed they were ready and Lexa dug her heels into the side of the horse, working him up to a slow trot. Clarke followed suit and the guards did as well. She let her thoughts slow down to a low hum as the clomp of the hooves steadied out.

We Are What We Are (Clexa Medic Prisoner AU)Where stories live. Discover now