The moon was shining bright,
You were holding me tight,
I hadn't known that it was the last time,
You held me tenderly in your arms.
Then in a fade to black, you disappeared
i was alone again in the moonlight
pieces of my heart broken at the empty sight
feeling the loneliness of what i feared.
After years you came back,
My favorite flower in your hand,
You asked me again to be yours,
As if you never left at all.
However this time I knew,
where the happier in the future way lay,
I didn't let you get under my skin,
Didn't yearn of the before we have been.
Sicer nisem najboljša v angleščini, ampak sem se odločila, da bom poskusila, zato prosim povejte kje so slovnične napake, ker grem stavit, da ni samo ena. Hvala za vse vote in komentarje, ki mi lepšajo dneve!Edited: 18. 9. 2022
Ko resničnost izplamti s papirja
Poesía[Ko resničnost izplamti s papirja in ostanejo moje poetične misli, polne neobstoječega kaosa, bolečine, življenja, osamljenosti, ljubezni do drugih in samega sebe, itd.] Ali ~Ko me domišljija premaga in strmim v dež mojih misli skozi dve okni mojih...