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Right as I walked inside from the game, Harper was waiting for me by the door. Her face was red as she said, "You went to the game, didn't you? I cannot believe you went knowing that I couldn't go!"

I tried to play it off, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Harper. Plus, we lost anyways you didn't miss anything."

I walked around her and in to the kitchen to grab a snack. However, she followed me.

"I don't care if they won or if they lost. You went to the game to watch Justin! Admit it, Jess."

I placed a barbecue chip in my mouth and asked, "Why in the world would I do that, sis, there are other players on that field?"

She stopped herself and thought about it. Then, she calmed herself down and asked, "So, do you like someone else on the field?" I don't even know anybody's name except for Riley and Justin.

I quickly think of something on the spot. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do like some else on the team..and that person is...number 3."

She thinks to herself for a minute, "Number 3...I think that's Jeremy from Science."

Wait a minute, that actually worked? I've never even met Jeremy from Science. "Um..yeah sure that'll work."

She inhales, "Okay, good because for a second I honestly believed you liked Justin instead, and I've had the biggest crush on him for the longest time."

I kind of felt guilty when she says this to me, however I don't even think he likes me back. Maybe, Justin and I should try being friends first and see where things go from there.

I finished the snack I had made myself and went upstairs to get a hot shower. It definitely let me think things through.

When I got changed, I walked in to my room to find Harper packing. I totally forgot, I'm leaving next Friday. My heart kind of sunk.

Harper looked at me and said, "Isn't this great, we're going to get space from each other like we've always wanted. Our own bedroom, our own bathroom, and you get to go back to Romania just like you've always wanted."

I smiled and nodded towards her. Please don't remind me. I don't really have that much time to get to know Justin anymore. The last baseball game I will get to attend is this coming Friday.

I got down on my knees and started packing my own bags with Harper. However, she was right about one thing. I will be going back to Romania again. I had so many friends, and I've really missed my school.

Maybe going back isn't going to be such a bad thing. I don't really have much to look forward to here anyways.

After packing, I opened up my phone to see a new friend request had just popped up on my Snapchat. The username read: JustinRusso22.

I smiled and accepted it looking over at Harper as she was still packing. His face popped up and it said he was typing. I started blushing again.

Thank you, Jess :)

My cheeks got very red as I started texting him back.

It was no problem

I could see he opened it and was looking at the text message. I kept looking up to make sure Harper wasn't looking at me. If she knew this was happening, she would freak out.

I then received a new message from him.

Meet my by the water fountain at school tomorrow


I turned off my phone and set it under my pillow. I laid there thinking of all the things he could possibly want to talk about as I slowly began to fall asleep.


I woke up to Harper's alarm clock going off. I definitely did not get enough sleep last night.

I grabbed a white t-shirt and some blue jeans and tucked my shirt in my pants. I then proceeded to get all of my school stuff and meet Harper by the door. She was acting strange. I mean she was happy well happier than usual.

She turned on the radio as a Britney Spears song came on. She was the one who started singing as I joined in during the chorus.

As soon as we got to the curb she let me out on over the last two days, I was prepared to get out. However, she didn't even stop the car.

I looked at her and asked, "Why didn't you let me out of the car?"

She smiled looking at me and said, "Because silly, I'm taking you to school today all the way."

She turned down the volume as we started approaching the school. Alex met us in the parking lot. She walked beside Harper, and they got inside before me.

I could see Justin in a really cute shirt and tie standing beside the water fountain. I began to get all nervous seeing him. Once he saw me, I could tell he started smiling.

I slowly walked over to him and greeted him, "Hi, Justin." He greeted me back, "Hey, Jess."

I waited for a second as he unzipped his book bag saying, "I just wanted to give this back to you." He then pulled out my Aztecs hat I put on him after the team lost the game.

I pushed it away and said, "Keep it, I want you to have it." He looked down at it, "Are you sure?"

My cheeks started blushing again, "Yeah, I'm sure, and I meant what I said you did a good job yesterday no matter what anyone thinks."

He laughed, "Heh, thanks but um we got creamed. I appreciate what you were trying to do though."

I looked at how close we were and it made me really nervous. I had to ask, "So um, how did you manage to get my Snapchat?"

He answered, "Oh, it was on my friend suggestion list. Alex wasn't following you, so I found it through there."

"Which friend did you find me off of?"

He scratched the back of his head, "Harper believe it or not."

I smiled, "You're friends with Harper?"

He said, "Actually no, she's sent me a lot of friend requests, but I've denied all of them since the time when I accepted one and she followed my location to find me."

Creeped out, I said to him, "Oh that's kind of stalkerish to me..."

"Yeah, well, it's obvious that she likes me. I just don't feel the same way towards her."

It's so frustrating just ask if he likes someone. What? No way! I can't do that. Yes, you can put your shoulders back and be confident.

I start wondering what I should do while arguing with myself back and forth.

Finally, it just comes right out of me, "So, who do you like?"

All of a sudden my phone vibrated. I looked down to see it was Harper texting me. What are you doing? Get away from Justin! I looked around to see her standing on the staircase with Alex watching me.

Of course, they were both spying on me. I looked back up at him as he asked me, "Everything alright?"

I nodded my head, "So, you can keep the hat. I should really get to class, bye." I put my phone in my pocket as I walked away from him.

Smooth Jess real smooth. Ugh, I know..

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