The Baseball Games

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I sit in detention bored as ever with a group of mischievous kids surrounding me. Trying to focus on my homework, I can't help notice as they all stare at me. Thirty minutes in, a girl comes through the doors.

Mr. Laritate stands up and says, "Miss Russo take your seat, you're late."

She says, "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm late, but I have an excuse here you go." She than proceeded to hand him a slip of paper signed by a teacher at the bottom.

Wait..did he say Russo as in Alex Russo? So, this is Harpers friend. I keep my head held low making sure not to make any eye contact with her. Harper would kill me if she knew I was with her.

Alex sits beside me putting her feet up on the desk. She has a drink in one hand sipping it through a purple straw.

Mr. Laritate then looks over at me, "Miss Finkle, sit up nobody likes someone who slouches."

I do as he says just as Alex glances my way. "Wait, Finkle as in Harper?"

I got irritated and whispered to her, "No, Finkle as in Jessica. Now shhhh, we're not supposed to talk during detention."

I do not want to get into anymore trouble but lucky for me she stopped talking. I had ten minutes to go then I could leave and maybe grab a bite to eat since I am starving.

Suddenly beside me, I hear, "pssstt".
I look over to see Alex slide a note off of her desk as it lands on the floor.

I look up to see Mr. Laritate wasn't paying me any attention, so I bent down and picked up her note. It read, "Nice to meet you I'm Alex. I'll be at my family's substation if you want to hang out later."

I thought about it. Why should I stay away from Alex? Because it'll make Harper mad? Since when do I care what she thinks? I can have friends to.

I write her back, "Sure, see you soon."

She smiles reading it as we sit in silence the rest of detention. The bell rings and we all get up and run towards the door. Finally, I am free from that room.

I went outside to see Harper standing by her car. I walked over to her.

"Ugh, where were you? Mom and dad have been worried." She says to me as I put my backpack in the back seat of her car.

"I was in detention." I could see her make a face when I said the word detention and automatically I regretted it. She asked, "Oh really? Did you happen to see Alex in there?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, I did and she's going to be at her family's substation."

She muttered, "Crap. Well, we better hurry and catch up with her. I've got a fashion project I want to work on with her." I rolled my eyes and got in the passenger seat of her car.

Once we got there, she ran inside before me. I didn't really care however. The substation smelled really good and there were a few customers sitting down at each table.

Alex sees us and waves us over. Harper says while ignoring my presence, "Hey Alex can I get a turkey sandwich?"

Alex then said, "No I'm off the clock you know where everything is. Hey, Jessica, good seeing you again." I could see from the corner of my eye Harpers face turn a little red.

I just smiled and said, "Hey, Alex, you too."

Harper ignored me again and said, "Well if you're off the clock what're we doing here I have a jean jacket at home that's not going to sequin itself."

Of course, she needs her to do that. Well, I guess it's better than me doing it for her for a change.

Alex then says, "Relax Harper were just waiting for my dad to come back with the team he's coaching so we can see the cute guys."

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