Sisterly Love

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"So, what should we do?" Damon asked me as I was loading the car with my bags.

"I wish it didn't have to be like this, Damon, but it does. My parents are making me move with them. I can't stay here."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Are you saying we should breakup?"

I nodded my head forcing myself not to look at him knowing that when I do my heart will break, "Yeah, I think so."

He grabbed both of my cheeks making me look into his eyes as mine filled with tears to, "I love you, Jessica."

He leaned in and kissed me as a single tear fell from his cheek. He kissed me goodbye. He knew it and I knew it.

"I love you too, and I always will."

I sat up in bed breathless. Never in a million years would I ever thought I'd be dreaming of him.

Damon was my first love but that was two years ago right before the Finkles first moved to Waverly Place. I wonder what has happened to him.

I wonder if he's with someone else. I still miss him a lot, but he needed to let me go. It was hard to ignore his calls and his messages saying he missed me.

I had to do it though because I thought I had said goodbye forever. Now, I'm going back to him to see him again.

After all the time we have lost, I don't know how we will ever be the same. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.

"Jessica, come on! We're going to be late to the game." Harper yells to me.

I must have taken a nap after I got home from school. I felt drowsy as I stumbled out of bed. I had a massive headache but nothing was going to stop me from cheering on Justin.

I changed really quickly wearing a nice blouse and some comfy jeans. I sat in the passenger seat of Harper's car.

"Don't think for a second I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart."

I look over at her, "Doing what?" She rolled her eyes, "Driving you places to school and the games and everything."

"Oh." I could see she was still mad after my late night session with Justin as we talked at his family's substation.

"Harper, I-"

I was quickly interrupted, "Save it, Jess. I honestly don't even feel like listening to you right now."

Before I could even defend myself, she turned on the radio making the volume loud to fill in the awkward silence.

I tried thinking of something to say to her, but I just couldn't. I told you she was good at holding grudges.

When we got to the game, Harper split up to find Alex as they cheered on Justin and Riley. I sat by a girl holding up a camera and taking pictures.

I realized that we had missed the first part of the game. I asked the girl next to me, "Who's winning right now?"

She pushed up her glasses, "According to the scoreboard, the other team, but we are not far behind."

She raised up her camera again and began taking more pictures.

"I have to ask, why are you taking so many pictures? I'm guessing you really love baseball huh?"

"Well, no not really, but Mr. Laritate said I have to as part of the school newspaper. I'm currently writing a report on the team and how well they play this season."

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