The Fall Dance

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Ivy comes up to me as the final school bell rings and says, "You will never believe who asked me to the dance tonight."

I played dumb, "Wait, you got asked to the dance? No, way! Who's the lucky guy?"

She smiled and said, "Max Russo. He asked me between fourth and fifth period."

She pushed her glasses up as I hugged her in excitement, "I'm so happy for you!"

I felt like Cupid at this moment in time. My best friend was happy that meant I was happy. I started heading out the back door.

She says to me, "What are you doing? Parking lot is this way." She points towards the entrance of the school.

I jogged in place, "I know, but I am going to run a few laps around the school for practice. See you at the dance tonight?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, you will."

I smiled at her before going out the backdoor and bumping into Mr. Laritate. He was holding a stack of papers that he dropped.

I bent down to help, "I am so sorry, Mr. Laritate, I'm very clumsy I know."

I grabbed one paper that had Justin's name at the top with a B-. Mr. Laritate caught me looking at his paper and snatched it out of my hands.

He said, "I see the Russo effect is rubbing off on you, Mrs. Finkle. Stay out of my papers."

He walked inside the building as I stood there wondering why I was so stupid.

How did Justin get a B- on a test? He was always an A+ student. I was always the one making at least a D. I don't really do well with studying.

My mind focused back on the running part of my afternoon, until I saw Nick.

He came up to me with a small box with a bow on top of it. It came as a very special surprise to me.

I was aware of the fact that Nick's family was a little rich, but I never even expected for him to actually be buying me a gift this soon. Especially, since he hasn't even asked me out yet.

I said to him in total surprise, "Nick, what are you doing here? It's after school hours."

He smiled and said, "I know, and I know I have this reputation to uphold, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. So, I went and bought you this."

He handed me the small box in his hands and I undid the bow at the top and opened it up.

It was a heart locket, but it didn't come with a picture. I asked, "It's beautiful, but where is the picture?"

He smiled at me and said, "You can put whatever picture you want in there. I just thought you would look great in it."

He took it out of the box and helped me put in on from the back.

He then continued his sentence, "And you do."

I smiled while blushing and said, "This is really sweet of you. Nobody has ever given me a necklace before."

He pushed a strand of hair back from my head and said, "Well, now you have one."

He was getting closer to my face, but I stopped him and said, "Wait, I'm sorry."

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