Playing Cupid

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The dance was tomorrow night, and I couldn't be more stressed out. Personal issues aside, I have only one mission to complete today and that was to get Max to ask Ivy out.

Sure it was a girls ask guys dance, but I know Ivy and she is not brave enough to ask him. Plus, she's been a really good friend and I should pay her back.

"Max, wait I have to talk to you." He was walking out of the substation as I stopped him.

Ivy said not to meddle, but I just can't help it. I'm a Russo now, and it's in my blood.

"What's up? I was just headed to the hardware store." Intrigued as I was as to why he was going to the hardware store, I did my best to avoid it.

"So, Max, are you going to this dance tomorrow night? It could be fun."

Yes, Jessica, start out smooth and subtle.

"Actually, I'm not going to go. Mom told me that I should clean my room and I'm going to be doing that this weekend."

I stopped him, "Why can't you just clean your room Saturday?"

He shook his head, "If you have ever seen my room, you would know it's going to take more than one day to clean."

I would hate to be the sucker who has to clean up that room if it is that messy.

Oh, wait.

I think I just figured out what I have to do and I am definitely not going to enjoy it.

"Max, what if I cleaned your room for you? I can start Saturday morning."

He asked me, "Why would you do that? Even Alex can't stand my room and she's a mess."

"True, but if I do this for you it will come for a small price to pay."

"Oh, I get it you want something well alright name your price."

I gave him a smile, "What I want is for you to ask Ivy Summers to the dance tomorrow."

"Hold on."

Ugh, I knew it would be too good to be true. Now, Ivy is going to hate me for saying anything.

"So, you're saying that if I take out Ivy Summers the least popular girl in my class to the dance then you'll clean my room for me?"

"Exactly, and you don't have to worry I will not tell your mother that I cleaned it for you."

He thought about it for a second before actually agreeing to the proposal, "Alright, you got yourself a deal. I'll go ask her."

He left the subway station and went straight to the hardware store. Finally! Ivy is going to get to go to the dance with her crush.

I couldn't be more happy for her. I wanted to call her immediately, but then remembered I have no part in this whatsoever. wink wink.

Justin came downstairs and in the kitchen for his shift. I have been trying to avoid him all day.

I still have no clue what I am going to do about this whole tryouts and dance situation.

Before I could do anything, Nick walks through the door with his posse.

He comes over and kisses my cheek, "Hey beautiful, I was just thinking about you."

I look out the corner of my eye to see Justin had his eyes set on me and Nick.

I look back and say, "That's sweet. I'm glad you could come over."

"Well, I'm glad you invited me."

We turned to his friends sitting alongside the window seats.

"I'm sorry about them. They really wanted to hangout with me today."

I smiled shaking my head, "Don't apologize, I don't mind it, Mr. Popularity."

In my head, I am hoping and praying that Justin is watching and turning green with envy.

I don't know why all of a sudden I have these feelings. Maybe, it's because after telling me he likes me he then acts like I don't exist.

"Mr. Popularity? Oh, you mean my reputation. I don't know if people are telling you stuff, but I'm not a bad guy you know that right?"

I nodded my head, "Of course, I do. You haven't given me any reason to believe otherwise."

It was true. Everyone has been in my ear (except Ivy) about what a bad guy he was, but to me I really didn't care.

Justin was the person who I really liked, but it wouldn't hurt giving Nick a chance.

He asked, "Did you get my note I left in your locker? It had my name on it."

I pulled it out of my pocket holding it between us, "Yes, I did. I've never received a note before so it meant a lot to me."

He smiled, "I'm glad you liked it."

The boys he walked in with began to call him over to their table.

"I'll only be gone a second, Jess, I promise."

I let him go talk with them as I passed Justin in the kitchen. I could tell he was watching us the whole time and may I add he was very jealous.

"I thought Harper was going to talk to you. I don't like Nick being here with his friends."

"Why? It's more business for you."

"He's not a good guy. When are you going to learn that?"

"When he acts like a bad guy, but so far I haven't seen anything I don't like."

"Just be careful okay. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Relax, Justin, I'm not dating him. He just likes me, and we're going to the dance."

I've made up my mind, I am going to do both it is the only way I can be happy.

Hopefully, I can make it to the dance on time.

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