You're a Wizard

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Taking a break from everything has been hard. Especially when I had to clean Max's room for the rest of the weekend.

At least, it gave me a distraction. It was smelly, disgusting, and I even had to wear a mask.

But it was all worth it because Ivy had the best night of her life at the Fall Dance. I wish I could say the same for myself.

Harper even managed to ask Zeke to be her boyfriend and he said yes to her. Everybody was happy well almost everybody.

I shuffled the picture of me and Damon at the fair together around my fingers as I slowly began to fall asleep.

I dreamed of the memory of the fair.

"Wait, stop you're beating me!" I yell to Damon as he was winning at the dunking booth. We made a game out of it to see whoever could dunk the person the most times.

I should have never underestimated him because he was very athletic. But, I wanted to beat him in something.

He smiled at me, "Aww, don't be sad princess. Come on, I'll buy you some cotton candy."

He took my hand and led the way to the cotton candy stand. The man was dressed in a colorful suit but with a frown on his face.

Standing here in this spot all day would make me miserable to.

Damon handed him the money taking the cotton candy and said, "Thanks." He then proceeded to give it to me.

I ate some of it, "Mmm..thanks babe." I remembered that it tasted so good.

Abigale and Presley caught up to us in front of the Ferris wheel.

Presley said, "Oh, wait this is a perfect scene to take a picture. Okay, get into position."

She took out her phone as I jumped on Damon's back smiling at her camera while holding my cotton candy.


I sat up breathless as I set the picture frame on my chest back on my nightstand. I start wondering why I keep having reoccurring dreams of him.

I realize that I could be in Romania at a small cafe with Damon drinking hot cocoa and eating croissants filled with jelly.

I look around the room at the basement walls and my unpacked boxes.

Maybe I did make a mistake.

I hear people laughing upstairs, so I decide to go up and check it out.

It was past ten, and I figured everyone would be asleep by now considering tomorrow's Monday.

I quietly walked up the stairs holding my soft robe close to me. They woke me up and maybe I was a little grumpy at them.

Harper was sitting on the couch as Alex and Justin were standing up and right as I was about to tell them to keep it down, Justin speaks.

He says, "If you think that's cool, watch this."

He was holding a wand that I've seen stick out of his back pocket a few times. I never knew why he had it.

He looked at the bowl of fruit and said out loud pointing his wand at it, "Murrieta-animata."

All of a sudden, the fruit came to life. Faces appeared on the pears, oranges, apples, and bananas. Their eyes looked around everywhere.

I began to freak out for a second. What just happened?! The orange looked my way and said, "Hey, what are you staring at?"

Harper, Alex, and Justin all looked over at me. Justin waved his wand really fast and undid whatever he did to make the fruit come to life.

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