The Substation

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I'm sitting at the Waverly Substation after school eating a delicious turkey sandwich. It's a quiet Wednesday evening this place only has a few other customers besides me.

A familiar face comes to my table, "Will that be all mam?" I look up to see Justin in front of me as he takes my empty plate. He finally looks at me surprised and says, "Oh, I'm sorry Jess, I didn't know that was you."

I smiled at him, "It's okay, I was just leaving anyways." I stood up and grabbed my jacket at the door. Justin walked up to me again and said, "I just started my shift but there aren't really any customers left. As soon as they get done do you want to maybe hangout?" evening to spend alone time with Justin? Sounds like we have ourselves a winner.

"Fine, I can wait until you're done with everyone." He smiles at me as he goes to the next table. I put my jacket back up on the rack.

I sit inside the subway train and watch him work through a window. He's so handsome and dreamy. It's too bad I was moving away if only I could stay with him for just a few more weeks.

He started clearing people out one by one, and I stood up to help him wipe off the tables. I grabbed a rag and started cleaning the ketchup stains beside him.

He came over to my table and tried helping me, but our hands touched each other. I got that same old butterfly feeling in my stomach. I couldn't help but smile.

Should I even look up at him? I do without thinking, and he is so close to me. I look down at his lips those soft lips and look back up into his eyes. He smells really good.

I take my rag off the table and look away, "Well, everyone's gone now." I headed towards the sink and cleaned the rag off then laid it aside.

Ugh, what am I doing? I'm getting close to him and I need to stop. He's a Russo, and I am a Finkle. I'm leaving soon and I have no time for a romance.

It would never work out. I should probably stay away from him, until I leave that way I won't get emotionally attached.

I turn back around, "I'm sorry, Justin. It's getting late maybe I should go." My heart starts this really what I want? No, it isn't but it's what needs to happen. Justin needs to find someone who will always be there for him, and it's just not me.

I started walking back towards the door, but he grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"Wait, stay...please." He lets go slowly as I turned back around.

He pulled a chair out for me and I walked over and sat down in it then he went and sat across from me. He asked, "Is something bothering you?"

"Yeah, today was our first ever track meeting, but I couldn't go and try out."

He gave me a confusing look, "Wait, why not?" I sighed and answered him, "Well, because..."

I can't tell him I'm leaving Waverly Place next week. Think Jessica think...

"..because my mom grounded me because I got detention the other day for being late to school." Yeah, that should work.

"Oh, that makes sense. Well, if it makes you feel any better I was thinking about quitting the baseball team. I don't really think I'm cut out to do it anymore."

I felt bad for him, "You can't quit baseball. You're really good at it and your team is counting on you."

He shrugged, "The only reason I even tried out was because of Kari Langsdorf. I thought she was really pretty, and I wanted her to notice me."

I should've known he was into Kari. He wasn't wrong she is really pretty but really dumb.

He continued, "..but all she wanted to do was see cat movies, and I'm more of a dog person." I agree to that I am more of a dog person to.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out."

He sighed, "Yeah, me too but it's okay she's not really my type."

I decided to change the subject. I didn't feel like talking about Kari Langsdorf anymore. "So, I heard Harper was going to move in with you guys next week. How's that going?"

"Well, Alex is excited about it of course, but I feel like she's going to watch me while I sleep."

I wouldn't be surprised if she did considering how much she really likes him. I wonder if he's figured out that I'm her sister.

He looked up at me, "I'm glad we met, Jessica, because I really like talking to you."

I smiled at him, "I really like talking to you to."

It's going to be so hard to leave this place now. Three days I've known Justin Russo. Just three days, and it feels like I've known him for a year.

We sat at that empty table it felt like all night, but I returned home around 10 pm. with my sister asking me all kinds of questions.

I just ignored them and went straight up to our room. I didn't feel like packing anymore stuff tonight. All I had was just one thing on my mind and his name was Justin Russo.

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