Chapter 4: Tickles

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TW: Fluff, Crying, Tickling, Virgil (Figuratively) dying

Virgil had been hiding in a cupboard — dont ask why he just..did it. He had been enjoying himself by being a introvert and listening to 'This is Halloween' from The Night Before Christmas until the man with gloves opened the cupboard to get spaghetti for dinner, startled to see his toddler with headphones on laying on all the cans and packets with his head resting on the cupboard wall, wide-eyed. Immediately, Janus put his gloved hands on his hips and tutted (SassyJanus™️) "Virgil what have I told you about going in the cupboards? sigh" Janus said 'Did he just say sigh?' Virgil thought "Guess I have to punish you now...." Janus smirked as Virgil immediately rushed out of the cupboard and tried to run with his little legs 'I like to have my victims tire themselves out so they can't run later' Janus thought

"OoOhhhHhH vIrgIooOol~" Janus sang as he waited giving Virgil 20 seconds to run. Janus walked around the house going twice as fast as Virgil could run (Beecccaussee herrr leggsss wereee ttoooo longggg). He finally saw Virgil trying to hide himself as Janus looked at Virgil playfully "What have I told you about hiding from me?" Janus asked rhetorically, Virgil gulped has his ears came down lower and his tail wrapped around his body.

He pulled down Janus' pants and ran, momentarily distracting Janus to pull his pants up, Janus chased Virgil until Virgil had worn himself out. As soon as Virgil sat down to rest Janus took off his gloves and dug his fingers into Virgils ribs, You see kids, Virgil here *points to Virgil* is indeed very ticklish. Virgil laughed, screamed, cried, kicked, squirmed and did anything to stop Janus from tickling him— Fun fact, It didn't work, "FfFfFAgHaHAhahaH sToHoOjOpP!" Virgil laughed/screamed. Unfortunately, this only made Janus tickle him more.

The torture went on for what seemed like days, but in reality it was only 2 hours, Virgil tried to run but his legs would just give out, Janus blowed raspberries into Virgil's small tummy causing his toddler to laugh and squirm more. "PPlWeAeseE iMmM SwOrRyY" Virgil cried but that wasn't Janus wasn't going to stop for awhile, Virgil wasn't getting away with another punishment.

Remus and Remy had enough, they both (for once) wanted to watch heathers but couldn't with the constant screaming, laughing and crying in the background, so they FINALLY decided to check out what was going on. They smiled at the sight of their little brother being (figuratively) tickled to death by their father. "Can I join?" Remus asked smiling like maniac as he received at nod from their father. Remus started to tickle Virgils feet despite Virgil screaming protests for them to stop. Eventually, Remy joined in, tickling Virgils neck and ears. At this point in time, Virgil is (Figuratively) dying. Unfortunately, Remus found Virgils tail tickling that as well. Virgil looked like he was having a fit trying to get away from their fingers.

Finally, Janus decided he and his 2 other kids had punished Virgil enough and went to made dinner. Remy and Remus left to watch heathers, leaving a exhausted Virgil on the couch. Virgil was on the Virge (😏) of sleep and to think Virgil only wanted to rest in the cupboard ended up with him 'bonding' with his family.

Virgil drifted off to sleep, tail wrapping around him in comfort and his ears up.

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