The Rogue Avengers Meet Peter

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A/N: Peter is Tony's adopted son, May and Tony share custody of him and both know that he is Spider-Man. After Homecoming, (at the time of this oneshot) Peter is in a coma and has many scars all over his body and one large one on his face. He is in his coma connected to a hospital bed that is in a spare room of the tower.

The Rogue Avengers, as they were called by most in the Avengers Tower, stepped into the elevator of the tower. They had been pardoned and allowed to move back into the tower, and most of the group were truly apologetic.

The elevator doors opened at the penthouse level, revealing an empty living room. The group filed out of the elevator, looking around the room. Steve then spoke up. "FRIDAY, where's Stark?" He called out to the ceiling. "Boss is sleeping in Mr. Parker's room." A cool female voice replied. Steve exchanged glances with the other team members, all of them angry. "He's cheating on Pepper." Clint growled. (In short, the Rogues are stubborn donkeys who believe that Tony is a terrible person.)

"Where is this 'Mr. Parker's' room?" Natasha asked, her voice silky smooth. The group could hear the thinly veiled anger in her calm disposition, she did not take well to hearing that Pepper was supposedly being disrespected. FRIDAY gave the group instructions, and they stormed down the hall. Bucky stayed back in the living room, not believing that Tony would cheat on Pepper and not wanting to disrespect the man who had pardoned them and let them back into the tower.

Steve opened the door of the room FRIDAY had directed them too, expecting to see Tony drunk or hungover with a one-night stand in the bed. What he saw was nothing close to what he expected. The lights were off in the room, but a faint light came from the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling and from the heart monitor to the side of the room. In the middle of the room was a hospital bed with wheels, and in that bed was a young boy with bandages over every bit of exposed skin from the neck down. He had curly brown hair, pale skin, a large scar running over his face, and was hooked up to dozens of machines placed around the room. Right next to the bed was a chair, and in that chair was a sleeping Tony Stark. Tony was holding the boy's hand.

Steve blinked. He pushed the door open wide for the rest of the Rogues to step into the room, and they all stared at the strange sight. Tony stirred at the light from the hallway. He yawned and stretched, letting go of the bandaged boy's hand. The billionaire squinted at the doorway, his eyes adjusting to the sudden light. When the Rogues came into focus, he blinked in surprise and checked his watch. "Shit." The mechanic said, shooting a fond glance at the boy on the bed. Then he gently pushed the confused Rogues out of the room and closed the door behind him. Natasha was the first to say anything. "Who was that?" She asked, crossing her arms with a questioning glare.

Tony sighed and ran a hand down his face. "He's... Peter." The tired man said, as if that explained anything. Before any of the Rogues could ask any more questions, Tony began to speed-walk in the direction of the living room. The group followed behind him, wondering who the boy was. Tony gestured for them to sit on the couch before going to the kitchen and opening some cabinets. "You guys want anything to drink?" He asked casually, trying to cover up the way his palms were sweating and his heart rate was rising. The Rogues, who were standing awkwardly around the living room, exchanged looks. They all (except for one or two, you know who I'm talking about) had similar thoughts on their mind. 'Still an alcoholic'

"Uh, sure. What do you have?" Clint said, and hesitantly sat down in an armchair. Tony opened another cabinet and sifted thought the options. "Water, milk, juice boxes, Caprisun, and hot chocolate... Peter loved hot chocolate..." He zoned out for a few seconds, and then shook his head. "Nevermind. What do you guys want?" He asked, trying to ignore the twinge in his heart as he remembered that one time that Peter had left footprints all over the ceiling on a sugar rush from chocolate milk. The rogues were all clearly confused. "And the alcohol?" Steve asked. Tony shrugged. "I don't have any at the moment. Been clean for a year and three months." He said, opening a carton of chocolate milk. Sam frowned and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like we'd believe that." He scoffed.

Just then, another figure walked into the room. The figure was wearing a hospital gown and was covered in bandages from the neck down. They plodded sleepily across the room to Tony, and snatched the carton of chocolate milk from him. Then he chugged the whole thing down, gave Tony a hug, and placed the empty carton on the table. "C'n we have some buff p'ncakes? Th'nks. I'mma go take a nap." The figure mumbled, then shuffled back out of the room. Tony and the Rogues stared after him for a second, and then FRIDAY's voice snapped them out of their stupor. "Mr. Parker seems to be awake, sir."

Tony rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "We can see that, Fri. Well, waffles it is." He said, beginning to pull out ingredients for cooking. The rogues watched with numb expressions until Tony spilled flour on his face and dissolved into a coughing fit. "I forgot, I can't cook." He mumbled. Then he looked up at the rogues. "Well, don't just stare at me. FRIDAY can tell you where your rooms are. Shoo." The inventor waved them off and began to try and clean up the mess.

Later in the afternoon, the Rogue Avengers re-entered the living room to find Tony, Pepper, and the boy, Peter, cuddling on the couch in front of the television, which was playing Frozen 2. A soft snore came from the small family, and the Rogues realized that they were sleeping. Natasha, surprisingly, was the first to leave with the tiniest smile on her face. Clint grinned, and whispered to the group, "He's a total dad." Then the bird-themed hero left. Sam just shrugged and left. Steve and Bucky just exchanged glances and smiled, then left to their respective rooms.

The next day the Rogues were properly introduced to Peter, who punched Steve once ("That's for my dad") but then they got along fine. What a miracle Peter was, to make all the Avengers unanimously agree with Tony Stark, who had introduced Peter with the quote, "If anything happened to Peter, I would kill everybody in this tower and then myself." 

Requests please!

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