prom dress

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A/N: Peter wears a dress in this one, if you have a problem with that, leave. I refuse to have toxic masculinity in this book.

TW: homophobic, transphobic, and sexist comments, f-slur, bullying 

Peter Parker was a firm believer that clothes had no gender. He believed that girls should be able to wear typically masculine clothing, and boys should be able to wear typically feminine clothing. The brunette boy himself had taken an interest in dresses from a young age.

Before the plane crash, five-year-old Peter had gone to the clothing store with his parents and was allowed to go search for an article of clothing that he wanted. The boy picked a jean dress, though upon bringing it to his parents, they put it back and lectured him on the kinds of clothing he was and was not allowed to wear. Peter had never mentioned wanting to wear dresses or skirts again, until he was informed of the prom dates for his junior year.

Peter read the paper that had been handed out to all the students that day in class, biting his lip. It was the date of that year's school prom, and Peter was debating whether or not he should go. Last year, he'd just hung out with Ned for half an hour, eaten some pizza, and eventually just gone home early. It wasn't fun. As Peter headed to his locker to pick up his books and go home, he talked a bit with Ned. The larger boy knew about Peter's interest in dresses, and was totally fine with it. He supported it, actually, wanting his friend to be whoever he wanted to be. Let's just say Peter was very grateful for his best friend.

When Peter got home, he made the mistake of leaving the paper with the prom date on the living room table. He then retreated to his room (after grabbing an apple from the kitchen) and began working on his homework. When he heard the door open, Peter called out to say hello, to which May responded with a similar greeting. The teenager continued doing his work, listening to the Hamilton soundtrack through his earbuds. He looked up when May opened the door and his blood ran cold when he saw the paper she was holding.

"So, prom, eh?" May asked, a smile on her face. "Do you have anybody in mind to ask out?" She asked. Peter blushed. "No..." He mumbled. May raised an eyebrow. "What about... MJ?" She teased, knowing about Peter's crush on the girl, and Peter's face burned red. "May!" He whined, embarrassed. She chuckled. "How about we go looking for something to wear tomorrow?" Peter's aunt suggested, and Peter smiled shyly at her. "That'd be great, May. Thanks," He answered, and May smiled back before leaving the teenage boy's room.

The next day, which was a Saturday, May took Peter to a nice shop and began looking at nice tuxedoes. Peter kept glancing at the dress section, something that May didn't fail to notice. "Peter," She said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. The boy jumped slightly and turned to look at her. "Y-yeah?" He responded, and May smiled encouragingly. "Do you want to try any dresses?" She asked, and Peter froze up. "Um, what? What are you talking about?" He tried to cover up. May chuckled slightly. "You keep looking over at the dress section, are you interested in trying on dresses? If you are, that's great and totally fine. If not, that's great too!" She explained, and Peter's eyes got a little misty.

"Thank you, May." He whispered, and May gave him a huge hug which he happily returned. "Alright, let me put this back," May said, folding up the dress shirt she was holding and placing it back where she found it. "And let's go find something you like." She finished, taking Peter's hand and going to the dress section.

Half an hour later, the pair had found a nice flowy red dress that fit Peter and looked fine on him. At the checkout, the person ringing them up looked at the dress and smiled. "Prom season, eh?" He asked, and Peter nodded, shifting uncomfortably. He didn't want to be judged. The man behind the register put the dress in a bag once they'd payed for it, and smiled as he handed it to Peter. "Well, I'm sure whoever's wearing it will look great in it." He said cheerfully, and Peter smiled at the fact that the guy wasn't assuming it was for a girl.

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