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A/N: hey, i'm back! i know i haven't been active for a while (to say the least), but at least i'm back now (?)

i'm getting diagnosed for adhd (potentially) if that explains anything

Agent_May requested this, and i'm so so so so so sorry that this took so much time. enjoy!

feel free to point out any mistakes or potential triggers that i should make note of

tw: vague mentions of peter getting injured (nothing too graphic), death/injury threats

Act 1: repairs

Peter Parker, a junior intern at Stark Industries, couldn't believe his eyes. Standing in front of him, unimpressed, was THE Natasha Romanoff, Natalia Romanov, Black Widow, one of the most powerful women in the world (alongside Pepper Potts, Wanda Maximoff, Shuri, and Michelle Jones).

He stared at her in awe for a few minutes, unable to help himself. He was standing in front of one of his heroes, after all.

"Hello?" Natasha's voice interrupted Peter's amazement, bringing him down to reality.

"Oh. Hi. Hello. I-I'm Peter." The brunet boy responded, smiling sheepishly. "What do you need, Ms. Natasha Romanoff Black Widow ma'am?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "You seem a little young to intern here." She remarked, glancing at Peter's lanyard and ID card. Peter blushed bright red, stumbling over his words.

"Ah, um, I know, I just- I guess they liked my application?" He answered, sounding unsure, as if he was asking a question.

Natasha narrowed her eyes at him and stared for a few seconds. Then she shrugged, taking a broken metal device out of her pocket and holding it out to Peter.

"I need this fixed, and Tony's busy. I don't care who does it just as long as it works right." She told him, and Peter's eyes lit up.

"Wow, you're letting me fix your widow bites? Oh my gosh, thanks! I promise I'll make it perfect!" He exclaimed, carefully taking the device and looking it over. He lifted his head to grin at Natasha, basically radiating happiness. Natasha cracked a tiny smile, unable to resist the sunny aura of the young boy.

A few hours later, Peter had three finished widow bite bracelets on his desk. One of them only had the basic taser thing, one had the taser plus an added knife extension (like a knife that extends from the wrist-attachment and stabs people when she punches them), and the last one had the taser, the knife, and a heart rate sensor and an added pain reliever shot that would inject the pain reliever into the user's skin at the press of a button.

Peter leaned back in his chair and checked his watch, sighing in relief when he saw that he still had an hour to get home by curfew.

The brunet teen rummaged around his desk for somewhere to hold the widow bite bracelets, eventually digging out a plastic tupperware container where he had put his sandwich for lunch that day. He cleaned out the container and taped a piece of blank paper over his name, then carefully stored the bracelets in the makeshift container.

Peter knew he'd have to make a new container for them soon, but for now, it was alright. He stood up, holding the container delicately, and carefully made his way to the unit chief on his floor.

"Uh, excuse me?" Peter said nervously, pushing open the office door. "I need to get this to Natasha Romanoff." He explained, and the unit chief raised his eyebrows. He knew Peter was crazy smart, but a job from Natasha Romanoff? One of the Avengers?

The unit chief contemplated it for a few moments, eventually pulling out a temporary high-level pass and handing it to Peter.

"She should be on floor 83, in the training room." He said gruffly, and Peter grinned at him.

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