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TW: Blood, Gore, Evil Peter

"Spider-Man is a public menace!"

"Lock him up!"

"Go away!"

Day after day, insults rang through the air, directed at a certain spider-themed vigilante.

Day after day, Peter kept saving people.

Day after day, Peter handed pictures of himself in his suit to a hostile journalist.

And one day, he'd had enough.

"Terrible." J.J. Jameson slammed a picture down on the table. "Terrible." Slam. "Not so terrible." He placed the 'not so terrible' picture into a folder and threw the rest in the trash. Peter flinched as he watched most of his hard work get dumped into a trashcan, but said nothing.

J.J.J. picked up the one picture he had left and waved a hand dismissively at Peter. "Alright, now go away." He said, spinning his chair around to flip through some files.

Instead of leaving, however, Peter pulled his so-called 'terrible' work from the trashcan and snatched the remaining photo from J.J.J.'s hands. "I quit." He said firmly, then turned and left, leaving a stunned journalist behind him.

Peter walked down the street to his apartment, photographs in hand and a content smile on his face. He'd recently gotten a letter saying that he had been accepted for a position as a paid scientist at Stark Tower, he'd quit his other job, and was overall doing quite well!

But he couldn't get the insults out of his head. He got them every day, but they still bothered him. Peter shook his head and increased his pace.

Peter got home and dropped his photos onto his desk, then decided to go on patrol. He pulled on his suit and jumped out of the window, just as Karen reported a robbery a few blocks east.

-A few hours later-

Peter webbed up the last bad guy, then turned to the woman and her daughter (whom he'd just saved). "Are you two alright?" He asked, stepping closer to them, and the girl started crying. She turned and hugged her mom, who hugged her close and backed away from the spandex-clad vigilante.

"D-don't hurt us! Please, just go away!" The woman begged, and Peter froze. "I-I..." I'm not going to hurt you. He couldn't force the words out of his mouth. He was too stunned to say anything. He just turned and swung away, looking back to see the woman and the girl running away as fast as they could.

The next day, Peter sat on his bed, suit in his hands. J.J.J.'s voice came from a television two floors down, ranting about Spider-Man's 'crime streak'. Peter clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, glowering at the suit.

He stood up. "You want a menace, James Jonah Jameson?" He announced out loud, to no one in particular. "Fine. Then a menace you'll get." He growled, and pulled on the suit.

Peter swung quickly through the city, heading in the direction of J.J.J.'s home. It was the middle of the night, so nobody would know.

The spider-themed... not-hero cracked the window lock and opened the windows to J.J.J.'s apartment. He tiptoed over to the kitchen and grabbed a large kitchen knife, then took it to where J.J.J. was sleeping. Peter pulled the sheets off of him and lifted the knife up high, grinning maniacally under his mask.

J.J.J. opened his eyes just in time to see Spider-Man bring the knife down on his stomach, slicing it open and disemboweling him. The man screamed loudly, terrified and in pain. Peter giggled, watching blood seep from the wound and pulling a chair to the front of the bed

"You wanted a menace. Maybe this will give you more publicity, eh?" Peter laughed, wiping the knife's blade with the bedsheets. J.J.J. couldn't speak, he just wheezed and stared at Spider-Man in horror.

Peter thought for a moment, then grinned. "Oh, just imagine the headlines! Just what you would have wanted; it's too bad you won't be there to see it!" He exclaimed, eyes twinkling.

A few moments passed, the only sounds being J.J.J.'s labored breaths and Peter's humming as he wiped the blood from the knife. "Did you know that you can survive for up to a few days while you're disemboweled?" He spoke up suddenly, dropping the blood-soaked bedsheet he was using to clean the blade.

"It's pretty interesting... I'll snap your neck, of course, to put you out of your misery. But before that, hm..." Peter pressed the tip of the blade to J.J.J.'s forehead, then began to carve his spider-symbol into the man's forehead. J.J.J. screamed louder, tears streaming down his face. Peter shushed him, finishing the symbol and wiping the blood from the journalist's forehead.

He examined the blood on his fingertip and grinned wider, then began to use the blood to write on the wall. J.J.J. sobbed and whimpered pathetically as Peter wrote, and eventually the spider-villain got tired of it. He leaned down beside J.J.J.'s head, placing his hands in a good position to snap the man's neck. "Oh, before that." Peter smiled sweetly, lifting one hand to pull off his mask.

J.J.J.'s eyes widened, and some blood dribbled out of his mouth. "Nighty-night!" Peter sang.

There was a snapping sound, and J.J.J.'s body went still.

--A few days later--

The murder of J.J.J. had gone viral, and people were now even more terrified of Spider-Man. It was no surprise, judging by the bloody message he'd left on the wall. "YOU WANTED A MENACE, AND YOU GOT ONE."

Peter still saved people, of course. He killed the culprits and then killed the victims. He was really just a killer now. And it wasn't just those situations in which he killed. He killed racist police, homophobes, transphobes, and anybody else he deemed weak or unworthy of life.

Peter stabbed the man in the back, then turned around to the sound of thrusters.

"Peter, what the fuck?"

(to be continued)

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