My Happy Ending (pt2 out of idk how many)

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Hi guys😆😆. Ok so in this chapter Leo made demigod proof phones and stuff. And this (Y/B/F/N) means your best friends name

You sighed as yet again you got a text from Nico. All of his texts were full of "im sorry baby" or "please take me back". You ignored all of them, not wanting to get back together with him. You might think about it but, right know you were to busy thinking when your brother Percy Jackson was going to come back from his quest. You missed him. You hadn't seen him in 3 years when you left camp because your mom had died.

Sighing you called (Y/B/F/N). You told her what had happened and she asked why you weren't crying. " I don't want to be like the rest of the girls, crying over a stupid boy," you replied, knowing she would understand. She laughed and said "That's why your my friend. Because you are so unique and strong you don't need a boy holding you down." You smiled and asked her if she wanted to come over to your cabin since she was in her own apartment right now. She yelled yes into your ear and you cringed. She had to live with 4 other people and she loved to get away from them when possible so she usually staid at you cabin.

After a while there was a knock at you door. Confused that it wasn't the special knock that you and (Y/B/F/N) made you got up and opened the door. You looked and saw Nico standing there. You were going to slam the door in his face but, you knew that, that was what he wanted. He wanted that so he could stop the door and kiss you. You knew how he was. You had only been dating for 3 years. He was all stone faced on the outside but a softy on the inside. You snapped back to reality, realizing you kinda spaced off. So you did something he wasn't expecting. You talked to him. "What are you doing here?" He seemed surprised but quickly recovered. "I-i was wo-orried about you. You didn't answer your phone a-and I got scared."

You laughed bitterly and said " You really think I would do something extreme just because we broke up?" He looked down and then back into your eyes. "No, I know that you are a strong, independe-" and that's all I heard because someone had knocked him out cold

You looked up at who it was. You gasped. It was the only person that was with you in your highs and lows. The person who was with you when you mom had died. The one who went missing during a quest 3 years ago. It was your half brother Percy Jackson.

Hi so I finally updated. Yay! So I was wondering if I should keep doing this little story or should I leave it a cliffhanger??? Please comment and vote thanks.

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