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Youth with black hair at night
Shimmering red ruby ​​eyes
Handsome face
Low and sexy voice
The ideal type of women

He had an accident that broke his leg and received treatment for months in the hospital?

Why for months? Because he broke both of his legs this time, who knows what made him to be like that.

The doctor got dizzy because of his behavior that does not care about the words of others. Lucas always frowned because he wanted to get out of the white building which he thought was the smell of drugs, even though the room was just an ordinary room and he did not have any severe illness.

He wants to walk around but he has to use the crutches everywhere. His father and mother were divorced, he did not follow one of them and chose to live alone. With the reason to want to be independent, even though he just does not want to live with parents who do not have any affection for him. Just watch as long as he was locked up in the hospital, neither of them visited him. Only his friends which are classified as very very few, Felix. Yep, there's only one person he can trust since he entered middle school.

That's also because Felix is ​​always patient because of the annoying behavior of Lucas. Sometimes Lucas himself was confused how could he be patient and always be positive in any way?

Answer: Very easy. Because he was the right hand of the Emperor Obelia who was very unclear about his behavior

Author : Nahhh I'm joking

He had tried to expel Felix many times, but it had never succeeded. So he just resigned and thanked in his heart at least someone who acknowledged his existence in this world.

One day there was a noise passing through Lucas's room. The doctors and nurses who ran around like crazy went into the room next to Lucas. Of course he grumbled because of their noise but let it go.

Lucas PoV

The next day Felix came with someone. "Her name is Lilian York, my friend". Felix looked shy when introducing her to me. "Hi, Lucas. Felix tells a lot about you, you can call me Lily like the others". I welcomed her hand and shook hands, "I'm Lucas. Nice to meet you too"

She was not long in my room, "Oh yeah! I have to go now. See you later", I nudged Felix's shoulder "Take her out" I could see blush on his face when he stood up suddenly. Just as he stepped over my door, we heard Lilian's scream next door.

"Jeez! Why are you here!"

I raised my eyebrows and felt strange of course, Ahhh did she mean the patient had just arrived last night?  I was curious and took the crutches that leaning against the wall near my bed. I started walking and felt that one of my legs was no longer painful, maybe soon I would get out of here.

Slowly I peeked into the room and could see Felix sitting covering the patient who was being scolded by Lilian. Wow, that person is also been hospitalized and is still being scolded.

Because I could not see the face of my neighbor I decided to return quietly to the room before there was another doctor who nagged me too let alone Felix.

Three days later

Again, I feel bored here
There is nothing I can do
Felix couldn't come today because of a sudden assignment at his club
I took the cellphone and stuck the earphones in my ear then staggered against the wall as my help, sitting on a chair by the window. I play Way Back Home music and enjoy the breeze.

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