Chapter 7: The 1st Shinobi war. And more...

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Tsubaki pov

It's Madara. He's started a war. Just like Indra. No . I shouldn't think like that. Maybe he can change and realize something this time. Madara and Hashirama are currently battling it out. Mito is healing the injured . I'm knocking both sides out then taking the me majorly injured to Mito and medical ninja. "Hashirama!" Tobi called . I went over to see that he was surrounding Hash. Covered in blood. Across from him was Madara . Dead. "Ton...I-I want you to be the next H-Hok-Hokage...I love you all...." He coughed out . "H-Hashi..." I cried . That's it . I'll tell him . I'll tell Tobirama who I am . Him and Mito. They have a right to know.

After Tobirama was announced Hokage.
"Tobi..." I called out. He was looking down at all the work he has. I can still see the pain and sadness in his eyes . "What?" He spit out venomously. He's angry . "It's time I tell you the truth..." e raised his eyebrow at this.

5 minutes later

He's shocked . It's all in his eyes I smiled and said "you hate me right?" But what I didn't think he was gonna do is run up to me then hug me. "Tobi..."
"Don't that's how this started."
I sighed . He started crying his eyes out. Knowing he shouldn't have let his guard down around Madara and couldn't protect Hashirama. "Who's next..." Was his rhetorical question. Soon he fell asleep and I put him in his new chair . I'm sorry Tobirama. I realized I needed to do something . Today was Indra and Ashura's birthday. (January 4th) I wonder if the graves I made are still there . I left a note saying where I was going .

Dear Tobi. I'm sorry I left but you fell asleep. I'll be gone a day or two . Today is my nephews birthday . It might snow tomorrow so be careful .

Yours truly , Tsubaki Ōtsutsuki

Once I finished the note I left . I would have to run at my fastest cause it's all the way in the land of lightning .

Once I got there something caught my attention . It was Madara's Chakra . He's alive?! H-how did he -more like when did he? God. If he isn't going to come out it's no use in forcing him. "I know you're there . Madara ." I said in a monotone voice . I wanted to crack at that moment but I didn't . I can't show weakness . A ninja isn't suppose to show emotion. But...Im not a ninja am I? I stare at my hands...The blood I've spilled...Madara's presence soon faded away. I never want to see him again.  I spent hours upon hours just staring at the graves . Wanting to cry but didn't . "Hey missy, are you ok?" Someone asks . I turn to my right to see a little boy. Dressed in rags and dirt on his face. Bruises on his arms and his feet covered with soil. "Yes. What happened to you." I questioned signaling for him to come here . He looked wary before slowly coming over . It's not like I would hurt him . "Where are your parents?" I asked brushing my fingered through his short brown hair. "I never knew my mama or papa. I live on the streets." He said . It's honestly pitiful . "What's your name child?" "Hey! Your a kid too" he said puffing out his cheeks . Cute . "But I don't have a name . I just know I'm five" the unnamed boy said holding up 5 fingers . "I think I'll name you hikaru ." I told the Hikaru . "Well , Hikaru how would you like to come with me? I live in a village that will take care of you." I asked . It's like I'm now a questionnaire . "R-really?!" He asked . I nodded in return . He's just too cute . "It's the new village called Konoha . You'll love it ."

A/N : Shortest chapter yet . Damnit .

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