Part one: hint 1 & 2

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hey guys! i know you probably hate to read this... but this is my first story so dont judge me according to it. you wont understand anything from this story if you didnt watch the anime or read the manga. so do that before you read.  but btw... the villains kidnapped bakugou and midoriya saved him as in the anime, but here, all for one didnt fight all might. thank you.


  Izuku was as usual walking to his home from the dorms since that was the only time they were allowed to go out...-on weekends.

He arrived home to be greeted by his mom's nice sweet hug and her usual talks about how shed miss him when he was never home... on how he changed and on how he was doing at school.

-Inko: so how's school going?
-Izuku: mom I told you its fine really I'm doing good. The teachers are nice...-other than Aizawa...- my friends are the best! Ururaka and Iida always keeps me company so no I'm not alone. And before you ask I haven't went into any fights with the villains since I last had one which was when we went to the woods and I saved Kota. Any more questions? but don't you think its weird?
-Izuku: what do you mean?
-Inko: the villains haven't attacked for what seems like...5 months? Maybe they're planning on something big.
-Izuku: yeah I've thought about it. I find it weird too. That's why I haven't seen you so often these days... it's because the school has tightened the security and isn't allowing us to leave so much.
-Inko: oh I see... anyway I made your favorite Izuku! Katsudon!!

They ate and eventually it was time for Izuku to leave before Aizawa punishes him for being so late.

As he walked down the streets, he felt something weird. Like something is about to happen...then he remembered the talk about the villains, and how they might be planning on something.
he arrived at UA and could tell there was something going on , Izuku quickly ran over to Ochako and asked her what was going on all she could say was:" uhhh...they...them...uhhh... go ask Aizawa..." and she sounded terrified saying it. He went to Aizawa and asked him the same thing. Aizawa handed him a paper and it said...

     Dear teachers and students...

We are the league of villains. We really miss you after 5 months. So... we decided we would pay you a visit... but this time it will be different. We are gonna kidnap one of your students. However, were not gonna say his name were going to give you hints and maybe you would be able to save him in time. The hints are going to be given in a game. You are going to find the hints and eventually knowing where we would kidnap him. Then maybe you would save him. Oh and you have 2 days to find all the hints.

 Hint 1: this one's an easy one 

a place you thought we wouldn't come

at the core of the gas

and the place you made him pass.  

    Izuku looked over at Aizawa and he did not need to ask. Aizawa quickly answered before Izuku could ask.
-Aizawa: we know the person is a guy not a girl because they said he not she. However, we don't know the place the hint leeds to yet.
-Izuku: *they said the gas maker... the only gas maker right now we have met is mustard so he must mean him. We did make him pass out. Even so, my friends nor I knew where or who took him down. We should probably ask Aizawa...* hey sir, do you remember who took out mustard in the training camp?
-Aizawa: I heard they were in class 1-B... a girl with orange hair and the metal gu-tetsutetsu.
-Izuku: the orange hair girl... you mean Kendo? And Tetsutetsu
-Aizawa: yeah it was them.
-Izuku: lets go check them out, ask them where they took him down.
-Aizawa: yeah lets go.
-Ochako: where are we going guys?
-Izuku: Ochako we are going to find Kendo and Tetsutetsu.
-Ochako: why?
-Izuku: because the hint said the core of the gas... which mean the one who was making it. And they said it would be there. Kendo and Tetsutetsu made him 'pass'. So wanna ask them where they took him down.
-Ochako: makes sense.

Class 1-A went to class 1-B and found kendo easily then Tetsutetsu entered the door.
-Tetsutetsu: oh hey guys what are you doing here?
-Kendo: yeah what brings you here?
-Monoma: maybe they we-
-Kendo: you shut up.

They told her and Tetsutetsu to follow the and went straight to the training camp where they found the wild, wild, pussycats and Kota.
-Kota: hey mandalay, we have visitors!!!
-Mandalay: oh yeah, great! Go welcome them... I'm coming.
-Kota: hi Mr. Midoriya. Hi erasure head. Hi you all.
-Izuku: hi Kota,
-Mandalay: hi there class 1-A, what brings you here?
-Izuku: has anyone entered or has something weird happened lately in the camp?
-Mandalay: now that you mention it... I have heard some voices In the forest yesterday. But I thought they were animals.
-Izuku: WHERE?!! Where did you hear them?

Like that they followed mandalay into the forest and went to a spot then mandalay said "I guess it was around here..."
-Izuku: Kendo, Tetsutetsu... tell us where you fought him!
-Kendo: I am pretty sure it was there wasn't Tetsutetsu?
-Tetsutetsu: yeah I was right here.
they said pointing to a place ear them. They went to where they were pointing and found the hint they were looking for at last.

Hint two

Congrats on finding hint two.

You know this place... it's not really new

it was a pleasure meeting you.

I just wanted to add bye bye too.



it ends here!!! hope u enjoyed!

published at 1/6/2020
word count: 1000 words

    thanks for checking my story!!!!!!!

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