Part 2: the kidnap

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this is part 2 im sorry they are so short!!!...


-Izuku: *a place isn't new... a pleasure meeting you... pleasure meeting you... meeting... the USJ!! It is old not new and we met them there for the first time... but why did he say bye bye? Isn't it strange was he just telling us bye bye playing friendly? I guess that doesn't matter.* the USJ guys! Lets go.
-Iida: makes sense. But we should spread more we should go in groups there because the place is huge. Whatever the groups were.

(if you are interested the groups are: kaminari, sero and jiro.

Kirishima, bakugou and ashido ||| tokoyami, asui and aoyama

yaoyuruzu, Todoroki and Iida ||| satou, mineta and koda 

hagakure, ojiro and shoji ||| Izuku and Ochako)

When they arrived at the USJ, they made their groups and took their ways through the place. They went through there for a few minutes until...
-hagakure: FOUND IIIIIITTTT!!!
-Aizawa: what does it say?
-hagakure; it says... huh? All it says is 'bye bye'...??
-Aizawa: come show me

hey there you have found your last hint!! Here is its content.

villains don't keep there promises. Bye bye ! <LOV>

-Aizawa: what does that me-
-Ochako: MR AIZAWA!!!! D-deku... he-he vanished ! he just vanished! He was right here and then ... he vanished. A-all I f-found was this.

Ochako handed Aizawa a paper she had in her hands. All it said was...


*in the LOV base*
-Shigaraki: welcome to you too!
-Izuku: *why cant I use my quirk? Oh I guess its because of these handcuffs he put on me earlier* what do you want Shigaraki?
-Shigaraki: oh I just wanted to say hi for a friend cant I do that?
-Izuku: leave me ALOOONE!!!
-Shigaraki: only if you join our league. We found your quirk really similar to all might, so we wanted to use it as best as we wanted. So join our league... and all will be good!!! How about it? Well never hurt your friends or all might... or anyone!!!
-Izuku: as if I'll believe YOU!!

Izuku POV

I hate this!!! His lies are so obvious!!!all he want is to kill all might, that's the point of the league of villains! he would tell me this then when i join hed kill all he wants!!

-Izuku: I wont except your offer! Whatever you do!!!
-Shigaraki: I think you'll change your mind after... HOW DIDN'T I THINK ABOUT THIS BEFORE?!!! this is it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

he laughed angrily and even I was scared of him he looked so scary with that smile and wide eyes on his stupid face.


Shigaraki took Izuku to a dark room with nothing but a chair and a single lamp glowing weakly. Then, Shigaraki started hurting Izuku and cutting him and so much more torture. After that, Shigaraki went to all for one (AFO is his short name...) to check their plan...


-Shigaraki: master, don't you find Izuku Midoriya interesting?
-AFO: what do you mean?
-Shigaraki: his quirk is interesting. It's so similar to all might's... I want to kidnap him, and make him part of our league. Hows that?
-AFO: it is indeed a good idea. But have you considered him not wanting to?
-Shigaraki: HAHAHA!! Yes I have! And that is why I need you master for my plan!
-AFO: me?
-Shigaraki: yeah. I want a brain washing quirk. So that we would brain wash him to joining us. We would make him believe that all his 'friends' tortured him and made him suffer and we saved him. He idolizes you, and I'm his best friend. So do you have any brainwashing quirk?
-AFO: I like this plan. Impressive! unfortunately, I don't have a brainwashing quirk. But I have someone in mined who does. His quirk allows him to brainwash people when he hears their voices. but it is weak. since if he touches or does anything it would wear off. So I need another quirk so that I would combine them together. like a controlling quirk or anything. hows that?
-Shigaraki: GENIUS!!!

and like that.. he took the quirk of Shinsou and killed Shinsou so that he would 'stay out of his way' . after that, Shigaraki got too excited and kidnapped him early. 


uhhh this is it i hope ur not mad cuz dis story is rly short. 
word count: 744 words

1 more thing... dont be mad on me because i killed shinsou plz


brainwashed/boku no hero academia story villain dekuWhere stories live. Discover now