Part 7: thank you class 1-a

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Hey this is the last chapter. Enjoyy... :)

*Bakugou POV*

I decided I would go out and see where the blood leads to. I finally reached the end of the blood. It reached to...

...Right outside the school...

I looked at the blood... then i saw Mr. Aizawa coming toward the school. I said that if deku didn't fucking kill Mr. Aizawa then who could it be??

I ran as fast as i fucking could toward the school. I checked every room and every part of the school but i found nothing unusual. Then I heard all might coming.

-All might: young Bakugou! Thank you for saving Young Midoriya! He just wen-
-Katsuki: DEKU WHERE IS HE?!
-All might: relax young Bakugou... he just-
-Katsuki: RELAX?! He just killed someone how could I relax??!!
-Toshinori: he is-
-Bakugou: oh my god! He's gonna kill others!
-All might: young Bakugou... he-
-Katsuki: I need TO GO FIND HIM!
-All might: YOUNG BAKUGOU!!!
-Bakugou: y-yeah?!
-All might: he's in the hospital!
-Bakugou: WHAT?! Why!?
-All Might: because of the rush of the memories he passed out! So me and Mr. Aizawa took him to the hospital and they said he would remember whatever he was remembering... but he will come back to school tomorrow!

Flashback Mr. Aizawa and All might

-Toshinori: Young Midoriya! We need to take him to the hospital fast!
-Aizawa: ill carry him with my scarf! Lets go now! (omg Mr. Aizawa actually cares!)

They carried him to the hospital... and got him to emergency room. They waited outside for a while until Ikiko (the nurse) came out.

-Toshinori: how is young Midoriya?!!
-Ikiko: young midor- oh him? He just passed out because of so many things we assumed being memories passing through his mind... he couldn't process them all so he passed out. When he wakes up, he'll remember the things that he was remembering. And he may feel depressed if the things were bad memories. So I suggest you keep him company the week after he gets discharged.
-Mr. Aizawa: when? When will he get discharged?
-Ikiko: that would be tomorrow sir! His condition isn't something to worry about!
-Toshinori: may we see him?
-Ikiko: yeah sure! Until visiting time is over. You are lucky it just started. So you have until it gets dark to see him.
-Toshinori: thank you miss.

Flashback end

-Bakugou: I thought he kille- wait! That doesn't explain the blood in the school! There's blood leading to the entrance!

Then all might started laughing like crazy. I was really confused, like why would he be laughing if someone got killed? Then he got a hold of himself.

-All might: th-that was your blood young Bakugou! Yours and young Ururaka's and the others!
-Bakugou: oh.
-Toshinori: we can visit him tomorrow if you want! He'll be discharged tomorrow anyway.
-Bakugou: yeah I have so much I need to tell him...
-Toshinori: ill be going now. See you tomorrow young Bakugou!

I need to make up for what I did. Ill say the 's' word to all might. Ive got no other choice. I really need to be nice from now on... I'll try my best. Here goes nothing...

-Bakugou: all might wait! I have something to say to you.
-All might: what is it young Bakugou?
-Bakugou: Is deku your secret love child or something?


-All might: what is it young Bakugou?
-Bakugou: I-I I'm s-s-s-s-so-so-sor I'm so- I'M SORRY!
-All might: don't worry about it, you did nothing to me. Although, you've done to young Midoriya and the class. Oh and thank young Kirishima!
-Bakugou: yeah I will. And... thank you all might
- All might: no problem! Its my job to help after all!

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