Part 3: the brainwash

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*5 days after the kidnap*

-Ochako: this is all my fault. I'm gonna go search to find him. Even if it takes me millions of years. I want to make up for my mistake. Who wants to go with me?

Ochako was sitting in the common room. Not smiling although her classmates were trying their best to make a joke or anything to make her smile. But failing every single time. And when she said that, everyone started giving opinions...

-Iida: don't go. This is too dangerous. You'll regret it later... please Uraraka, don't go...
-Kirishima: although you're a girl your acting so manly! Midoriya helped me when I wanted him to. Ill go for sure.
-mineta: D-do y-y-y-you w-want u-us to f-f-fi-fi-figh-fight v-villain all on our own??? Are you crazy???
-Mina: I'll go for sure!
-Todoroki: Ill go. He helped me in many countless ways. Ill help him for sure.
-Yaoyorozu: I'll go. But only for backup.
-Asui: if you go, you'll all regret this later. Let the pros handle it Ochako. Please...
-Satou/Koda: sorry guys. I can't go. And I advice you not to cuz this may bring you to jail...
-Kaminari: Ill do anything to help!
-Ojirou: like Tsu said, the pros will help him... don't go guys!
-Ochako: the pros are too slow. Who knows, they might kill him y'know. And all because I wasn't paying attention...
-shoji: I would love to help Midoriya. He has helped me so much. But, in my height and my width, you won't be able to do a surprise attack. So no. no im not going.
-Jirou: ill go. You might need spying skills.
-Tokoyami: Ill go. But lets go in the night so that dark shadow would be much stronger than it is in the day.
-Sero: sure guys! I'm going!
-Hagakure: Ill go! I'm good at disappearing!
-Bakugou: If we'll punch some shitty villains, I'm fucking going ofcourse!
- Ochako: thanks you guys. So the ones that are going are... Yaoyorozu ~ Todoroki ~ Kirishima ~ Ashido ~ Kaminari ~ Jirou ~ Tokoyami ~ Sero ~ Hagakure ~ and finally Bakugou. Did I miss anyone?
-Mina: nope! But when are we going?
-Ochako: tomorrow night. So that we could plan this through.

*at the league of villains base*

*present time (after 5 days from the kidnap)*

*Izuku POV*
the villains haven't been making me sleep or eat well all these 5 days. They gave me a cup of water every day and a piece of bread every 2 days. I still don't want to join their league I don't know why they won't except this. They've been cutting me and sometimes Dabi uses his quirk on me. Here comes Shigaraki for more cutting...
- Shigaraki: should we start? Or would you like to join us?
-Izuku: I would never join you! Get this to your mind dammit.
-Shigaraki: I guess this is a 'let's start' HAHAHA
-Izuku: when the pros arrive, they're gonna kick your butt!
-Shigaraki: yeah yeah whatever! Let's start!

Then, we heard a voice shout from inside...

-Toga: Shigaraki!!! Come quick! Master needs you quick

Shigaraki then widened his eyes and said "coming" and ran outside with a huge smile.

I could hear voices from inside saying things like: "the plan can proceed" "found the person with the right quirk" "bring him" and things like that. Although I didn't know what could they mean by any of that. I waited and after 10 mins, Shigaraki came and said...
-Shigaraki: Midoriya come here I want to show you something!!
-Izuku: cut the shit out Shigaraki, what do you want?
-Shigaraki: you won't come? Ok then I'll make you.
-Izuku: no leave me alone!!!
-Shigaraki: unfortunately I can't. Sorry I'm not sorry!! HAHAHAHAHA

*no POV*

Five mins earlier
-Toga: Shigaraki!!! Come quick! Master needs you quick
-Shigaraki: *master, could that be because he found the person with the controlling quirk finally???*
he arrived at the room...

-all for one: Shigaraki, I found the right person with the right quirk, now the plan can proceed. All I need from you now is to bring him to me . I made the right combination. Which is control and brainwashing. We can't use only control, since then he won't be following us on his will which is what we need to defeat all might. And we cant only use brainwashing since it is easy to wear of. So by combining them together. We get what we want. So bring him to me now so that I could brain wash him.
-Shigaraki: right away master.

And with that Shigaraki went to Midoriya and what happened happened. He hit him on his neck to make him unconscious. Then he went to all for one who quickly used his new quirk on Izuku. After 2 hours, he woke up.

*Izuku POV*

Ugh I remember nothing except that I got into UA, and all of the students treated me as if I'm a piece of SHIT. Even all might, he said I can't be a hero with that useless quirk of mine . And my childhood so called friend always made fun of me when I was small because I didn't have a quirk then. I am a late shower of a quirk. My quirk is called one for all. it gives me super strength and speed. It helps me be stronger and have high speed. Although all of the people discouraged me on becoming a hero, I still dreamt of that, and I went to UA. Then a girl called Ochako Ururaka and Tenya Iida teamed up with kacchan and started bullying me too. Then all the class didn't talk to me, and when I tried talking, they would hit me and cut me. that was until the league of villains attacked UA and believed in me. my mom hated me and didn't encourage me to be a hero. I never saw my dad. Now, my friends are: Dabi, Toga, Tomura and Minatozaki (twice). They treated me as if I'm wanted. I joined them. On MY will. My 'friends' at UA have tried to get me back there so many times. I guess those bruises and cuts I have are all because of them. I hate them. I'm gonna kill them all!!!!!!
(if you are too lazy to read the upper paragraph, read it, because it explains Izuku's back story in his brainwashed mind.)

-Shigaraki: hi! How are you feeling?
-Izuku: I'm fine! How are you?
-Shigaraki: well... I am fine. Do you want to attack UA tomorrow? *if he says yeah only, he isn't brainwashed. If he says it with rage and names, he is brainwashed*
-Izuku: YESSSS, I want to kill them all!! Especially that Bakubitch and all might. They really need to have a sad face sometimes without that... grin on their faces!
-Shigaraki: * hmmm he seems telling the truth... but just to be more sure, I'll give him a knife and tell him its for security, then leed him to an alley and pretend to be killing him. If he kills back, then he isn't brainwashed, and if he stands for a moment like any friend would treat his friend if he attackd them* look, Izuku, you know how life is dangerous and I want the best for you?... well... this is a knife to protect you in case something happenes.
-Izuku: thanks Tomura!
-Shigaraki: anyway lets hangout!
-Izuku: yeah lets hang!
-Shigaraki: lets go out.
-Izuku: im right behind you.

He doesn't usually tell me to hang with him, so this must be special.

-Shigaraki: we are here!
-Izuku: this is an.... Alley...

Whats going on?

-Shigaraki: yeah I wanted to get you here so that I could kill you !!!HAHAAH
-Izuku: Tomura??? What's gotten into you????
-Shigaraki: I'll kill you!!!

What's going on? Is that Tomura? Is he attacking me? what should I do? Do I attack him? I can't has my best friend! Ill snap him out of it.

-Izuku: Tomura!!! Snap out of it!!!!! What's gotten into you? Aren't we friends?
-Shigaraki: *ok what now, he is brainwashed what do I do? Act asif you were out of it quick* h-huh? W-what h-ha-happened?
-Izuku: you were gonna attack me!!!
-Shigaraki: r-really? S-sorr-sorry *good job Shigaraki continue like that and hes gonna believe you* I didn't m-mean to...

He looks he did this by mistake... he's done so much for me. I gotta believe him, forgive him. He didn't mean to.

-Izuku: it's ok


-Ochako: here is the plan guys............

the plan is in the next chapter
word count: 1445 words
now this is a big chapter...... I'm so proud of myself

brainwashed/boku no hero academia story villain dekuWhere stories live. Discover now