Part 5: Explanation All Might!

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Btw guys in this story, all for one and all might didnt fight yet. And they did the dorms after the USJ. I hope my story is nice!
*No POV*

Ochako although crying, knew that she had to help her other friends. Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Ashido, Jirou and Sero where unconscious. The rest other than her, Momo and Tokoyami where really injured. So she had to help them by her quirk before the villains attacked her too. The truth was really hurting to her, she is here, yet, she can't help him. She saw him in front of her, yet, she didn't save him. She could have reached for him before he went, especially that he told her he was being tortured, yet, she didn't. all that confidence she felt when they came, went away. All she did feel was guilt, sadness, madness, and regret.

-Ochako: Hagakure? Are you there? I cant see you y'know!
-Hagakure: O-O-Ochako? I-Is Tha-that you?

Ochako rushed to the center of the sound and she saw the boots and gloves then she touched her and Tooru was flying. The new move she learned can really help her now. She learned how to control several floating things in air together. So whatever she made fly, it/he/she was right behind her. she touched all of them, and went outside to get help from Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami.

They went to a hospital to heal the wounds and they were informed that all the students that were harmed would be ok.

Ochako only thought of one thing: What are they doing to deku now?

*at the LOV base*

-AFO: Tomura, this is not good, if this happened while he was not near they will have him again!!!!!
-Shigaraki: how about you re-brain wash him, but you add that he has to come to you for a specific reason and you re-brain wash him again!
-AOF: GENIOUS but no it wont happen, he is too smart and will eventually figure it out quickly...
-Shigaraki: we need something small, he could carry with him, fast to take, not needing to be blacked out so that he could take them...
-AFO: like a PILL! Ill make pills for him to take every day when he wakes up, and convince him that he should take them for his health problems!
-Tomura: yes that is just what we needed!!!

*Izuku POV*

My head hurts! The last thing I remember is my so called friends help me and Tomura saying something about brainwashing, should I think about it? oh god I need my pill now!

-Izuku: master is that you? Can I get my pills please?
-AFO: yes ofcourse here it is,
-Izuku: thanks! Bye master!

I never knew his name or his nickname, all I knew was that he was master. My friends... why did they try to save me? I mean they did torture me all these years didn't they? Or did they forget? Ofcourse not. No one can forget such thing. I felt something when I punched Kacc- Bakugou, I felt sad, or something like that, why I hate them all, why would I feel that?

-Tomura: hey Midoriya, we were talking about the attack we were gonna do on UA! Mind to join?
-Izuku: sure why not.

*Ochako POV*

Me and Momo and Tokoyami went back to the dorms. And when we arrived, all the rest of the students noticed he wasn't with us and noticed the look on our faces.

-Ojiro: G-guys? What happened? Where's the rest of you?
-Ochako: i-in the h-hos-hospital, they were injured. As for deku, he...
-Iida: did you not get him back?

Iida was not doing the air chopping thingy. He must be really sad.

-Ochako: worse.
-Iida: can you tell us what happened?
-Ochako: y-yeah Ill try... we were searching for him that's when we found him standing a-and h-he attacked us and knocked Bakugou out...
-Iida: maybe they told him to do that with a strong threat...
-Ochako: that's what I thought until he suddenly stopped talking evilly and started asking me why am I here and why is Bakugou knocked out and told me to go out before they torture me. he seemed scared and shaky as he said that. He continued to tell me to out until Shigaraki came and said 'the brainwashing is wearing of!!'
-Iida: listening to that, it seems like they bra-
-Mineta: G-guys!!
-Asui: weren't you supposed to be out because you're such a perv mineta?
-Mineta: I-I f-f-f-found a-a p-p-purple h-haired b-boy k-k-kill-killed outside... h-he was the one that fought m-mido-midoriya in the s-sports festival...
-all: SHINSOU!!!!
-Ochako: take us to him hurry!
-Mineta: o-ok

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